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Deo pov
I wake up and grab my phone. Wtf 10 missed calls and 5 missed texts from Tommy.

Tommy -Hello?
Tommy -Answer the fucking phone!
Tommy -I guess you don't love me.
Deo-I'm sorry I didn't answer I love you.
Tommy -No you hate me.
Deo-Come over.
Tommy -Fuck off!
Deo-I'll buy you McDonald's.
Tommy -See you in 5.

Wtf just happened? I grab a bag of chips from my desk. I hear I knock on the door. It's unlocked! I'm here. Come sit down. Why would you want me to sit next to you. Are you still mad. Yeah. I walk up to him. What? I give him a kiss. I love you. Whatever. Come on. Fine I love you to. there we go. Now let's go get food. Ok.
Me and tommy get in the car. So what you want tom. Chicken nuggets. Of course.

When they got home

Don't get food on the couch. Yeah whatever. Tommy's phone starts buzzing. Tommy phone. I hear it. What is it. Just a text put the rest of my food in the fridge I have to grab something from my house. Ok so your sleeping over. Yeah.

Tommy's pov
When I got in my car I start to cry. I shouldn't let him get to me he is my ex after all. But it hurts so much. He's probably right I should just kill myself. I make it home. Tommy what's wrong. Nothing ranboo. Hay come here. He gives me a hug. What happened. It's just Aaron again. Why haven't you blocked him. I tried he keeps getting my number. Next time I see him I'm ganna kill him. No ranboo it's fine. He sexually abused you for 8 years. Yeah it's my fault I should have left. It's not your fault. Yeah. Can you grab my charger and hoodie from down stairs. Yeah.

When ranboo came back

Here you go. Thanks. Remember if you need help. Go to you. Yeah. Ok bye. Where you going. To my boyfriends house. You got a new boyfriend. Yeah. When do I meet him. Never. I'm following you there. Do it. I drive with ranboo following me. I park and run in the house. Why you running. No reason. I lock the door. Don't open it. Ok babe. Shit back door.

Ranboo POV
I go to the door. Locked. Open the door! I see a fence. Back door. Bingo. I see him running to the door. I get it right before he gets there. No! Let me in! I push the door. Yes I won now where's your bf. Living room. Hi. Who are you. I'm ranboo. Hi I'm deo. Anyway have you hurt Tommy. Mentally yes physically no. Ok then bye. Bye. I walk out.

Tommy POV
What just happened. Don't ask. Ok tom. My phone starts ringing. I'll be back I have to take this. I walk outside.

Aaron I thought I told you to leave me alone.
I love you and you love me.
Stop calling stop texting.
Never I love you to much.
Go away.
Btw ***rose street is very pretty.
How do you.
I know everything.
Then you'll know I have a boyfriend and to leave me alone!
You what!
Leave me alone.

I hang up the phone and start to cry. Tommy. Give me a minute. Why are you crying. Don't worry I'm fine. My phone starts to ring was ranboo.

He's outside of the fucking house.
He's looking in your window.
Bro where are you?
Across from the house in car.
Come over here.
Ok I'll be there.

Babe one of my friends is staying over. Ok. I'm ganna go to bed. Ok I love you. Yeah love you to.

The person from earlier walked in a few minutes later. Hi ranboo. Hay were Tommy. He said he was going to bed. On I'm crash on your couch. That's fine just don't get food or shoes on it. Got it. Ok I beater head to bed. Hay. Yeah. Tip don't touch Tommy on the back you'll scare him. Thanks. I lay on the bed. I was going to hold Tommy. But that might scare him cus of his back. So I just play with his hair. Deo. Yeah. I love you. I love you to Tommy. He starts to hold my hand. Don't let let go. Tommy I can't promise. I look he was crying. I'll try my best. Thank you. Goodnight. Night.

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