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"Oh my god yesterday night was terrible" I was talking to myself while coming into the living room and I saw Sophie and Jazzlyn cooking breakfast "snowdrop" I called her she turned around and looked at me and passed me a smile gosh I missed this for years... then she said "go take bath and come, the breakfast is ready so let's eat together and go to the hospital together" I nodded my head and went upstairs.



I was in my cabin checking the files as I was having 2 c section deliveries today. Suddenly the door opened revealing Gray "what is it Gray?" I asked he shook his head and told "nothing much just got some break so I came here umm Sophie can I ask you something?" yes go ahead I said then he asked "why did you marry Jake? I know there is some reason hidden behind that can you please tell me considering me as your friend" I looked at him for good 5 seconds and told him "Gray yes I consider you as a good friend of mine but I can't tell you the reason to be more precise I don't have a reason to tell---" my words were cut offed by Stanley who barged into my cabin and said "Gray sorry to disturb your time with my sister but can you give me and my sister some time alone I need to talk to her about something very important" he silently nodded his head and went outside. Stanly locked the door crossed his arms and stood in front of me and asked "think before you answer my question are you going to give another chance for Jake?" I stayed quiet for a moment and answered his question "he did everything to save me, yes the words he spoke during the skit hurted me but he got more hurt because of the skit and I don't want to hurt him more. so why don't I consider of giving him a chance, but it will really take me a lot of time to get back to normal me and to gain more trust, I'll try my best to change soon..." Stanly looked at me with a warm smile and left my cabin.

Author message: sorry guys I really took lots of time to upload the episode I am having lot's of personal work going on and as I'm doing my final year of college I'm having more work I'll try my best to keep you all posted and also a new romcom is about to get released to stay tuned until then byeee.........

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