Chapter 44

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The wigs Skylar and Aubree had purchased at the mall did the trick in disguising them from the public eye. They received a few glances from people as though they recognized them, but couldn't figure out from where. Skylar was wearing a wig blonde wig and Aubree was a brunette. They found humor in the fact they were wearing each other's hair color.

A little bit of harmless flirting with the bouncer at the door got us into the club without him checking our IDs. We also all brought cash with us not wanting to give the bartender a credit card with someone's name. I was shocked at all the hoops Skylar and Aubree had to go through to not be recognized and they weren't even a band member. The two of them were only dating a band member.

Since I still haven't told Lucan how my feeling for him have changed since our first meeting we weren't exactly dating. The goal was to have the conversation this weekend with him about me wanting to be with him and only him. I only hope he's feelings on the matter haven't changed.

After watching all of what Skylar and Aubree have to do to not be recognized put a little doubt in my head. Would I do have to do all of this to be able to walk down the street without being notices? Would I be able to handle all of this? At the end of the day the love I have for Lucan is all that matters and in loving him all of this comes with then so be it. I would have to deal with some of the fame anyways because of being Hunter's aunt. Though I'm sure being Lucan's girlfriend would only be worse.

We were sitting at the bar scooping to see if there was a slightly quieter table we could sit. After all we were here to have a fun night out and not be hounded by other men. I caught a few men running their eyes over us and making my skin crawl. If only they knew the truth of who we are involved with they wouldn't be so quick to check us out.

Skylar spots a booth a couple was leaving from and she dashes to the booth. She exchanges some pleasantries with the couple and waves us over once hey left. I slide into the side of the booth by myself.

"How are wedding plans going," Aubree asks Skylar. Due to the loud music of the club Aubree had to raise her voice to be heard. I slightly leaned across the table to hear them better.

"It's going," she says.

"Is your mother driving you nuts yet," Aubree asks.

Skylar shakes her head. "Oddly no. For the most part she has stepped to the side. She will send ideas, but is in no way over baring. Same with Dimitri's step mom. They are both wonderful."

"Are you having a bridal shower," I question her.

"We are, but I'm having two. One in Chicago and one out here. My mom is planning the one in Chicago and I've talked to Grandma Rose about having the one here at The Hideout. Once I asked she completely took over planning and I was more than happy to let her." Skylar explains.

"Sounds like you two are going to be busy over the next few months," I tell her.

She downs the rest of her drink. "You have no idea. The goal is to have the wedding late spring or early summer. Since everything is going to be outside we want to have the wedding before the weather turns to hot. This also gives me just enough time to have everything planned."

"Are you going to have the wedding in two locations," I ask since most of her family is in Chicago.

"No," Skylar says. "Dimitri is having me check in to renting out a hotel for my family and friends. They would stay there for free. He's checking into how to transport everyone down here for the wedding."

"And by him you mean me," Aubree states with a smile. Skylar rolls her eyes. Aubree knocks her shoulder against Skylar. "Be grateful I'm the one researching and not him because who knows what he would be making your family come down in."

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