01-The raid of Pembroke Castle

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The clang of metal and the distinct breath of horses filled Mary Countess of Richmond's ears and the booming deep voice of a man. Mary decided it would be safer to hide in her large wardrobe. Slipping out of her large bed she raced to her wardrobe and climbed inside closed the door and brought her knees to her chest. The sound of heavy footsteps and gruff voices found the young girl's ears as she held her rosary and locket close. After a long moment, she heard the door to her chamber open with 5 pairs of feet searching it. Suddenly she felt the cold air of the chamber and the creak of the wardrobe hinge. The soldier smirked they had found the young Lancastrian countess she was a small child with brown hair and oval-like green eyes bright with innocence.

"M'lady you can come out now you will not be harmed we will take you to the Palace of Westminster immediately."

Mary timidly looked up and stood in her small stature she had feared for 2 years after the beginning of Edward of Yorks's reign that they would come for her they had put it off for a year or two. Slowly with impeccable posture, she stood up and walked out just in her loose grey gown with a leather belt, taking a deep breath she spoke.

"I am aware I am to go to the palace of Westminister is this true ?"

Sir William Herbert stared at her briefly before responding to the young girl of 6.

"Yes if you would grab a cloak and shoes and follow us."

Mary did as told grabbing her fine wool cloak in grey and boots suitable for horse riding. She was nervous from the rumours of how women would be treated by the enemy but she deciding not to test if they were true with these stern older men followed without complaint. Suddenly she began to think of her uncle Jasper she was worried that he was captured he would not stop and that worried her. Before she knew it in the familiar corridors she arrived at the large Courtyard and found 20 unfamiliar horses present as she knew every horse by appearance at Pembroke. She followed the knight to his horse and sat behind him on the black war horse she finally garnered the strength to ask her question.

"Where is my uncle Jasper I do not see him"

William Herbert grimaced at this for he hated Jasper Tudor with an unrivalled passion and wanted nothing more than to kill him for being Lancaster. Yet this young Lancastrian girl of six had wormed her way into his cold stone logic as he would not harm this young girl for she was too pure for this wicked world's ways.

"He is on the run as a traitor to the crown, Move out!"

As she digested his answer she truly hoped Uncle Jasper was safe and as she left the tall gates of Pembroke she feared in this New England it would be the last time she would see Pembroke castle as now she was headed to the Yorkist Court.

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