04- A Common Queen

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 Westminster Palace was bustling with activity. The king had proclaimed his marriage to Lady Elizabeth Grey, a commoner from the Lancastrian side, two days prior, disobeying the terms of the peace agreement with France. After that, Warwick stormed out to fetch up his immediate family, although everyone knew he was brooding in the north. Mary was anxious and a little excited. The York women had been kind to her, but she was genuinely looking for a friend. Perhaps with the new queen, she would find some companionship. She was dressed in a light blue velvet gown with intricately braided hair, perhaps because the king had ordered her to procure a new garment for her arrival.

When the time arrived, she was waiting for the new queen on the steps with Lady Margaret of York. Margaret, who was one of her few friends, softly squeezed the young girl's arm as she took note of her anxiety. When the great gates swung open, Mary was struck by the new queen's beauty. Like all of her sisters, she has long golden hair, a bright smile, and sparkling blue eyes. When he kissed her in front of everyone in the courtyard, the king appeared to lose all sense of reason. While many males rolled their eyes, older women grinned, and children found it repulsive. Thankfully, he had a change of heart and started leading her up the grand staircase.

When it was time to introduce Mary to his wife, he had just finished introducing his sister Margaret to his wife as he moved down the line."Mary Tudor Countess of Richmond," the king said as she gave Mary a warm grin. Warwick, the evil man, appeared to be eating poison as they ascended the stairs. Annie, her other friend and not at all like her father, looked astounded, but Isabel's expression was a reflection of both her parents.

"I give you the queen of England!"

Then the queen went to meet her mother-in-law and Mary felt sorry for her for the dowager duchess would not accept it. Edward smirked at Mary making her scowl causing him to chuckle walking away to his chambers to recollect himself. For he knew he had angered Warwick and was willing to go all out to make it up to him. The feast was grand all watching the queen Mary kept to herself and spent time with Anne and Isabel as they were nice well that was mainly Annie.

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