07- Middleham and marriage

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Shortly after the wedding they had gone to Middleham so her husband could train under the guidance of Earl Warwick. It was a grand castle and a beautiful one they had large chambers their compared to the others. Mary distrusted the ambitious Warwick and was scared of him ever since him confronting her early on, she had yet to tell her husband of this and probably would refrain from doing so. They had a form of friendship, but it was on ice for he held all the power and well everything. It still felt strange to her for now she only was required to curtsy to her husband and those above him in status, yet it still felt strange to her. The young Lady Anne Neville was now her lady it was meant to be a snub, yet Mary did not mind for she loved having a loyal friend. Anne was bubbly, kind and most importantly her friend she was her companion other than the elder sister who was polite but nothing more. The queen often wrote to Mary as did Lady Rivers of the goings on at court and such things. That morning Mary awoke with her husband's arm around her and gently moved it away so she could get up she was just about to exit the bed sleep still in her eyes, when she heard a groan come from her husband.

"Must we awake so early?"

Mary smiled at his questions. "We must and the sun has risen milord."

He just frowned acknowledging her statement and getting out of bed sleepily, he walked over to her and kissed her Cheick causing a light blush to rise on her face.

"Morning Mary, I have my training today I do hope I do not fail; I fear I will make a fool of me."

"I doubt you will make a mess; I have watched you train it is very impressive I could never do it."

He smiled leaving so they both could change the next time now they would be alone would be that night generally. After that Anne came in adorned a green gown with black fur, she then grabbed a gown of white and blue and dressing Mary. She picked a small Sapphire necklace up and clasped it on her neck then pulling her hair into a complex plat.

"Found a dalliance yet Annie?"

The girl in question blushed as she folded the duchess's chemise into one of the trunks.

"No, I hope father will find a match for me though, maybe one of the squires or an earl I'm not sure."


Mary sat with Anne watching the squires train specifically her husband who commanded such respect for his already showing skill and lineage. Her embroidery was of a Lavender and Anne of a Lily flower it was an awesome sight watching these future knights train. They spoke pleasantly to one another and for 2 hours sat together in the autumn sun. She then saw the Earl come to speak with the squires and how he gave a false smile for she was sure he was cold amazed her. She turned her eyes away from him and winced as she pricked her finger drawing blood with the needle.


Anne looked up and realizing what happened helped Mary stopping the blood.

"Do not fret it happens to everyone at least once"

Mary smiled and it was in no time, that dinner was to be served Ricard sat at the table nearest the earl with Mary in a comfortable chatty mood. He looked to her hand and saw a little piece of cotton wrapped around it he gave her a questioning look in response.

"I  pricked it while doing embroidery"

He smirked and mirth danced in his eyes and she gave him a look.

"I doubt you could embroider milord"

That did well at stopping his smirk and her bones felt rigid maybe it was embarrassment she did not know or Warwick right next to her either one.


Later that nigh she was undressed and ready to rest when she saw her husband and couldn't help but grin. His hair tousled and he fact he was looking at the unusual tapestry on the wall with a frown.

"I am not sure about you but I do believe that you need plenty of rest to train as I do to focus on my embroidery."

He grinned turning to her mirth yet again in his eyes.

"Perhaps you just need practice."

She scowled good naturedly at him and  laughed as did he when a crow hit the window.

"Stupid birds"

As both lay sleeping two crows passed by their window on the Autumn night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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