06 - Marrying a Duke

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I would like to warn that there is child marriage in this chapter but I have researched it and girls were married as young as twelve yet 90%  of these marriages were not consummated until 14 at the earliest.

September 1467

Mary sat next to the young Princess Mary's crib reading the Canterbury Tales to herself, enjoying the peaceful solitude with the younger Elizabeth resting she was allowed some peace.  Solitude for Mary was a wonderful time she was able to read in peace without people hovering over her. The queen had commissioned her a white Italian gown that fit her perfectly and a matching veil saying she was to be wed soon gifting her a pearl hair comb. The problem for the 12-year-old Mary was she did not know to whom it would be, the door opened and Mary looked up as a page boy ran in.

"Milady you are needed in the king's study it is the issue of your marriage."

Mary nodded and walked out of the room making her way past many nobles in the crowded corridors of Westminster. Her Blue silk skirt brushed the stone floor as she entered the king's study and was surprised to see the king, the 16-year-old Duke of Gloucester and the Queen with her mother and brother Anthony. She curtsied and noticed Edward looking at them all with a smirk that made them all nervous about who on earth was she marrying. 

"Good you are here now I have thought long and hard and decided that Mary Tudor here will marry a close relative my brother the Duke of Gloucester. Congratulations!"

Mary stared at him bug-eyed as did her future husband at the king as though he was speaking Spanish to them. Somehow Gloucester spoke but Mary was scared her mother had married at 12 and given birth to her at 13 never to have children again. What if that happened to her would the duke do that? It did not seem he would but she had seen him very rarely if at all.

"So nothing against you milady but I do not wish to marry not yet anyway. What harm is there in keeping us betrothed for a year or two then she is older when we are married and we will not be strangers." 

Mary felt tense and she was scared she had seen the king's expression before that a good idea would not happen. He was not much older than her so the chances of him wanting children were low but she could never assume. She looked at the masked stone face of the Duke and the King's face who did not look amused.

"Mary has not even spoken yet and I know that she does not want this but it does not matter you will marry tomorrow your stepfather Stafford will arrive now and spend time with him. Now get out both of you."

Mary left the room in a hurry eyes filling with tears as she tried to control the uncontrollable fear of being married at 12. The servants cast her concerned looks as she moved to her chamber where her stepfather was waiting. The moment the door closed she flung into him crying in his arms.

" I can't do this. I can't marry him!"

Stafford was understanding of her fears and rubbed calming circles on her back. He would talk to the duke today but first, he needed to help Mary.

"Do not worry I will talk to him, rest up relax I will talk to him and I will be with you on the day for I know you will look stunning."

Mary began to calm  in his arms with his arms secure around her seemingly protecting young Mary from all harm. Slowly she detached herself from him and picked a book up from her table and began to read quietly to calm herself further. Looking at her calming Stafford left the chamber closing the door softly behind him. It took no time at all for him to find the Duke of Gloucester in the stables brushing the mane of his black stallion.

"Your grace"

The 15 year old turned to him curly black hair swirling back, he locked eyes with him guarding all emotion from him.

"Lord Stafford, I assume you wish to speak to me of the pending marriage with Mary."

"Yes it is. This would be a delicate inquiry but will you expect a child from her at this time as her father did her mother?"

Richard's eyes widened at his questioning for he new not much of her parents but that her father died of plague and mother birthed Mary at 13 never to have another child again. It was barbaric to expect such a thing of really a child and this was what her fear was about earlier on.

"No that is barbaric. I do not think I am ready for children nor will Mary I imagine at least for two years and unlike her father I have standard's and respect for women."

Stafford nodded and felt relieved for Mary at his statement.


That next morning Mary awoke early and was bathed in rose water with fine Mediterranean soaps a symbol of a new status she did not want. Her fine gown was beautiful yet it gave her no solace her stomach was knotted with nerves. Her fine brown hair falling down to her mid back framing her face, with her emerald eyes showing fear and worry. The queen smoothed out Mary's skirt giving her a reassuring smile before squeezing her hand.

"It will be fine. Please do not worry."

Her words did little to reassure Mary as they left for their seats in the chapel the walk was short to short for Mary if she where honest with herself. She then arrived at the church door and her body tensed up when she saw her 14 year old husband robes of gold. She curtsied to him quickly her knees felt like jelly how she managed to move amazed her. 

"Your Grace"


He extended a hand to her and as they walked in the church she wanted to cry but didn't her step-fathers smile was reassuring yet her nerves made her feel sick. The wedding feast was large and full of drunk nobles her husband drank little and Mary had no appetite yet she forced herself to eat. Her nerves had began to lessen when they brought her to the bed chamber where she was in the great bed looking nervously at the gold curtains. Tears filled her eyes as her husband walked in removed his boots and turned to his side so Mary's back was to him. Mary closed her eyes and her breathing quickened but to her surprise and relief he placed an arm around her waist and held her close.  Her muscles where very tense as this happened his breathing seamed to slow and he fell asleep wedding ring glistening in the candle light.  Tears fell down her face as she watched it shine her freedom gone, choices gone given to a man whom she had rarely seen and now was her safety, husband a cold 14 year old, muscles relaxed as Mary finally fell asleep.

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