02-The Yorkist Court

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3 weeks later

Young Mary did not complain once while they were halted at one inn after another for three weeks. Despite being removed from her home, she was somewhat at ease thanks to a full meal and a warm bed. The York king could forgive her despite her misgivings, but her social standing and money would be troublesome. Being deprived of her lands, locked up, and compelled into convents despite her youth was an option, as was marriage. She had a fantastic time in London, and she was astounded by the city's populace. Although she was familiar with cities, she had never before seen the vast capital of England. Although there was a wonderful and energetic environment, there was a foreboding feeling as they faced the York king and quickly made their way down meandering hallways to stand in front of the Kings Study. 

The soldier identified them before the herald at the entrance announced them.                            "Mary Countess of Richmond and Sir William Herbert."                                                                                She entered the huge study with her head held high and her eyes fixed on the only figure inside, a young man standing at 6 feet 4 inches tall with blond hair and bright blue eyes who was dressed in magnificent silk robes."                                                                                                                          "Thank you, Herbert, please wait outside until the young lady Richmond has finished speaking with me."                                                                                                                                                                              She stood without breaking eye contact with the king as the soldier quickly left. Edward was intrigued by this young countess who refused to break eye contact with him.                              "Given your youth, do we understand what it means that you are now a royal ward, Milady?"

Mary determined that two people could participate in this game after averting her eyes from his ridiculing tone and face.

"I'm the Countess of Richmond. You should understand that, given your charm and youth, you are a knowledgeable young king, therefore I will never again be intimidated by you."

She was obviously not going to accept her destiny meekly, which surprised Edward. He laughed with his well-known charm at how funny this was. If she could learn how to play it properly, this young girl would blend in rather well in the royal court.                                                                              

"You will blend in well, Milady. When you are older, I truly hope you'll settle into life as a royal ward and that you'll find a decent, devoted Yorkist to marry."

When he ordered Mary to leave the study, she scowled at him slightly less angrily than before but didn't protest, curtsying to the king of England as she should have done before. When Mary left Edward wondered who she could marry and he knew her marriage and bloodline would plague him for some time.

The Countess Of RichmondWhere stories live. Discover now