Personal Hell (Jjba Villains x reader)

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There you were, first day at your new job. You had worked hard to be here and, to be quite honest, you were proud of yourself. Throughout your years of school you always dreamed to finally end up here:


Born into a common demon family you always wanted to work in Hell. The weather was supposed to be nice and the demons friendly. You couldn't wait to experience it yourself. It made you happy to finally live your dream of punishing or helping people who deserved it.

Excited for your first day you strutted over to the main desk, where a brunette secretary sat, typing something while occasionally taking a sip from her coffee. The lady looked up from her computer and gave you a smile.

"Welcome, how can i help you?" she pushed her glasses up her nose to get a better look at you.

"Oh...Hi it's my first day here, I'm Y/N L/N. I'll be working in the redemption department, at least that's what they told me" you chuckled, nervousness showing through your small smile.

"Let me see... Ah yes! Y/N L/N. Right here. Seems like they already have some souls assigned to you. They are probably waiting in 'the Room' right now. You'll be working with them, till they earned forgiveness or till their deportation to another facility. To find 'the Room' you just have to go straight, then turn left and the door at the end of the corridor is 'the Room'. Here are your files on each of your clients. Good Luck!"

Well that went faster then you had expected. You took the files, four to be exact, and made your way over to 'the Room'

The 'waiting room for corrupted souls with slight to no redeemable qualities' also called 'the Room' wasn't far. During your little walk there you began to read through some of the files.

Dio 'DIO' Brando
Date of death: January 16, 1989
Mass murder
Animal cruelty
Attempted world hegemony
Sexual assault

This already looked like it would be one hell of a ride, to have this Dio redeem himself, but that's what you're here for.

You looked at the next file

Yoshikage Kira
Serial Killer
Date of Death: July 16, 1999
Serial murder
Attempted child murder
Identity theft
Desecration of corpses
Psychological abuse
Animal cruelty

'What is it with these guys and animal cruelty?'

You made a mental note to not let any hell hounds near them. Kira looked like an easier case than Dio. His file stated that he just wanted a quiet life, well he would have to put up with a quiet afterlife, if he redeemed himself.

Next one was

Diavolo, Solido Naso
Mafia Boss
Date of death: currently dying

'No real date of death, that's weird. I don't think that happened before'

Organized crime
Mass murder
Torture (physically and mentally)
Drug trafficking
Animal cruelty
Child abuse

Next up was someone who also had pink hair like Diavolo, he didn't seem as terrifying as the rest of the souls you had to care for.

Vinegar Doppio
Diavolos right Hand man
Date of death: April 6, 2001
Organized crime
Aiding and abetting
Attempted murder

'I take back what I said about Kira, Doppio looks like the one who will redeem himself the quickest' you thought.

The farther you went towards 'the Room' the hotter the environment got, luckily you were used to work in warm environments.

 Jojos bizarre adventure x reader Oneshots           Where stories live. Discover now