Forest Hike (Pt. 5 Wonderland AU)

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You wouldn't particularly say that you were lost, but you were sure that you had seen that tree already. That meant that you had been walking in a circle.

Maybe you read the map wrong... No that definitely wasn't it. You had experience when it came to reading maps, this one was actually quite simple. But how did you get back to this giant oak again.

It was probably a few hundred years old and the leaves shone in a beautiful emerald green. The way the sunlight fell through the leaves made the place seem magical. If you would have believed in fairy tales you would've said that this was an enchanted place.

The trunk of the oak could probably fit a whole little kingdom of fairys living in it, with enough space for them to fly around.

Maybe you should take a short break and eat some of the food you brought with you. You had wanted to go on a little hike, but now you've been walking through the forest for 3 hours without a real goal in mind.

It was sunny and not too warm, birds were chirping , but since you entered this part of the forest it had been dead silent. The only noise being the wind blowing through the leaves. You hadn't noticed at first but the silence had become so loud that it seemed to cause a ringing in your ears.

Then you suddenly heard a twig snapping almost next to you, which made your head snap in the direction you had heard it coming from.

No one was there.

Did you imagine it? You knew that silence could cause hallucinations after some time, but that couldn't be the case, right.

You began to look around, not making out anything that could've made that noise, before your eyes fell on some strange green lump. You would've thought that it's just a stone covered in some moss, when it suddenly jumped.

That thing wasn't a stone, it was a frog!

You watched as the strange looking frog began to jump towards the Oak you were resting against. It seemed like the little creature knew exactly where it was going. As the frog left your sight you stood up and grabbed your backpack. You wanted to see where the little guy was off to, so you followed him to the back of the oak.

Hidden between some fallen of leaves and grass there was an opening, it was big enough for a person to hide in. The frog looked at you, before it ribbited one time and with one final jump disappeared into the dark inside of the tree.

Now you were curious, you had never seen a frog like that. It looked like it was a stone come to life. Was it even a real frog? Questions flew around in your head.

Almost by themselves, your feet started to carry you towards the opening in the oak, where you kneeled down and looked if you could see the frog that jumped in.

It was dark in the inside of the tree, with your hand you felt around on the floor, as your hand suddenly felt nothing where the ground should be.

Surprised by that you lost your balance and fell down. You expected to hit the ground any second now, but you seemed to just keep falling. It felt like an eternity and soon you got bored while falling.

Suddenly in all the darkness that surrounded you, you saw a light underneath you, it got closer and closer till you saw that it was a lamp. Next to it was a little table and two comfy looking armchairs, there also seemed to be another light, coming from a fireplace. How weird this place was.

You prepared for an hard impact with the floor, when you suddenly landed on one of the armchairs, sitting comfortably with a cup of tea next to you on the little table.

Confused you stared at the fireplace, before a door suddenly opened and a pink haired man came out of it. He wasn't very tall and wore a pink sweater.

As he saw you he began to smile, before taking a seat in the other armchair in front of you.

 Jojos bizarre adventure x reader Oneshots           Where stories live. Discover now