Runaway (Stardust Crusaders)

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The weather in Egypt had been way too hot to your liking, since you arrived with the other crusaders.

Now lost somewhere in Cairo, without them by your side, it felt cold in a way. You had run off because of a small disagreement you had with the group of older man. When you thought about it, now it didn't seem like a big deal, but back then it felt so important to you.

You felt like they were underestimating you, because you were the youngest of the group and didn't consider your ideas or they tried to keep you out of fights. It had become frustrating over time and
that small disagreement you had with them, over the topic on how to find DIOs mansion, caused you to snap. From your point of view they treated you like a toddler, which seemed like an exaggeration now that you thought about it.

How naive you were for just running off, thinking that you would find your way back to the hotel on your own. You really didn't think this through and to make matters worse, the sun was starting to set rather quickly, painting the walls of the houses around you in an warm orange.

You kept stumbling through the bustling streets of Cairo and for the first time during this journey you felt lost and hopeless, even without having to fight another stand user.

Your legs had grown tired, your feet ached and your eyes felt heavy. How long had you been walking? You knew that you would have to find some shelter eventually especially since it got darker by the minute. You wondered what the others were doing now and you wondered how Kakyoin was doing. You hadn't seen him since he was attacked by that blind man, almost losing his eyesight because of it.

Did the others worry about you? Mr. Joestar, Polnareff and Avdol maybe, Jotaro was probably mumbling his catchphrase and smoking.

During the journey you had formed a close, almost family like, bond with each member of the crew. Polnareff had thought you some French, while Avdol told you about tarot cards and his work as a fortune teller. Mr. Joestar had treated you like his own grandchild and Kakyoin and Jotaro had become some sort of big brother figures to you and Iggy resembled your own dog to some extent.

You stopped at some point and sat down on a bench near a bridge, taking some deep breaths to calm yourself down. You had to admit that you were lost because of your own stubbornness. Admitting it felt frustrating.

A few miles away from you there was a pacing Joseph Joestar, a panicked Polnareff, a smoking Jotaro and Avdol who talked to civilians asking if they had seen you. For the last hour their search for you had been fruitless.

As Polnareff looked hopeful at Avdol, who was done asking a shopkeeper if he had seen you. The Egyptian just shook his head, Polnareffs face dropping instantly.

"There are no signs of Y/N anywhere." Mr. Joestar sighed defeated, "Not at the hotel, not in the streets of Cairo and the Speedwagon Foundation couldn't help us either."

Polnareff had been stress smoking for the past hour, Mr. Joestar took multiple calls after they lost sight of you, the only one who seemed calm about the situation was Jotaro, who put out his cigarette before saying his catchphrase, just like, you thought he would.

A minute of silence passed before Avdol spoke up:" We should split into two teams to look for Y/N, so that, if we come across an enemy stand user, we won't be on our own. We will be able to cover more ground this way. Jotaro you come with me. Mr. Joestar and Polnareff will cover the districts Abassia, Azbakeya and Sakakini. We will look in Shubra, Faggala and Boulag Aboul-Ela."

Avdol seemed determined to find you, probably because he feared that Dio could get to you first and as a local he knew the city better than anyone else.

You, on the other hand, still sat on that bench by the bridge. Tears from your desperation had dried on your face while you had stared into the night sky. The stars in Cairo looked different than the ones you knew from home, you felt more and more like a stranger.

Suddenly there was a small noise in one of the bushes next to you. You turned your head in the direction, already having your guard up incase it was an enemy.

Unexpectedly the thing that jumped out of the bush wasn't an enemy, ready to attack you. Instead it was a small black and white dog whom you recognized immediately.


Hope lit up your face as the small coffee-gum loving dog looked at you with boredom on his face. He, of course, noticed the whole ruckus surrounding you.

It was pure irony how he, who seemed to care so little about the whole crew when he joined, was the first to find you. On the other hand he was a dog, which meant that he probably followed your scent.

You realized that he was waiting for you to follow him. You stood up and started walking behind the small stand user. Carefully not to walk to fast, so you wouldn't lose him. Every few steps Iggy turned around, as to make sure that you were still following him. You felt truly grateful for having a dog on your team.

After ten minutes of walking through the streets of Cairo and following him through some suspicious alleyways you made put two similar silhouettes in the distance.

You would recognize that hat anywhere.

Avdol and Jotaro had talked to some locals and they finally had a trace of where you had run off to. But before they could inform the other team, about the fact that you weren't in the districts that they were searching through, they heard you calling for them.

"Jotaro! Avdol!"

You were so relieved that you found them. Finally you could apologize for running away and for snapping at them.

Avdol seemed to feel less tense after seeing you run towards them, accompanied by Iggy. All his worries that DIO might get to you first vanished into thin air.

You heard him chuckle as you finally stood in front of the two men, you truly didn't know what to say.

"I-I'm... I don't really know how to word it bu-"

"Apology accepted, now let's go and meet up with the other two." Jotaro grumbled.

You had never been more happy to hear his grumpy voice.

A/N: First time I wrote a request and I hope that the person who requested this is not disappointed. I'm also sorry it took me so long to write this!

Hope you enjoyed and if anyone wants to request something you can always do so in the 'request chapter'!

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