Stranger On A Train (Josuke)

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Just another day with another boring train ride. It's not going to be special and nothing will happen.

That's the attitude of most people when they board a train. They think that there is nothing life changing that could happen. They just get on the train, sit in their seat or stand until they arrive at their destination and get off the train to continue their lives and head off to work or go home.

Most of them will see nothing interesting on the train, they won't experience anything other than boredom, while looking out the window or do, whatever else, they do.

Josuke had the same attitude like all those other people when he sat down in one of the seats.

'What could happen on a train ride? Nothing interesting was ever happening on a train.'

This day should be the day he would be proven wrong, I'll explain why.

The seat Josuke chose was not an ordinary seat. Well actually it was... But the seat opposite to it wasn't. It was the assigned seat of a special person.

Everyday they would sit in the same spot and read a newspaper. And if they deemed their seat mate special enough, they would make some light conversation. Their face always remained covered by the newspaper they were reading and a hat they were wearing. No one on the train ever saw their face, nor did they really care about it, after all it was just another boring train ride for them.

The stranger also never told anyone their name. No one ever asked them, but even if one of the passengers were to ask, they wouldn't receive an answer.

Josuke was lucky enough to be their seat mate for the day, not paying any mind to the people around him, they were just strangers on a train to him.

So he was just reading a magazine he had brought along to keep himself occupied, occasionally looking out the window the see the scenery. It was then that he heard a light cough, from the seat opposite to him. He looked up, only to be greeted by a newspaper.

"The weather outside is nice, isn't it? It's raining most of the time where I'm from and the air feels a lot fresher here." the stranger had a melodic voice, almost like they were trying to lure people in.

"I guess so." Josuke murmured, he wasn't sure why that person was talking to him or what their motive was. Since the incident last summer he has been wary of strangers.

"Are you not going to ask where I'm from? Most people tend to do that." they seemed to be amused about that fact.

"Not really, Im not really interested in having a conversation right now." Now he was sure that there was something off about them.

"Well no one's forcing you to talk to me or even to listen to me, but a little bit of smalltalk to pass the time is always fun, isn't it? If you want I can just tell you about my homeland, you don't have to say anything and can just listen. Or if you change your mind you can start talking to me and telling me about this place a bit."

Josuke was now sure that they were crazy or at least a stand user. But he didn't know if they were an enemy yet so he decided to keep his guard up and just listened to them.

"We stay inside most of the time because of the rain. There's a lot of cars and not much greenery. Even if I'm here for a job it feels almost like a vacation. The food tastes better here and like I said, the air just feels fresher. Sometimes I'm still amazed how beautiful the sky looks compared to the smog I know from home." they let out a sigh and seemed pretty satisfied with how things were in Morioh.

"How long are you going to stay here?" Josukes curiosity got the best of him, their homeland seemed to be a pretty bad place.

"Oh a few weeks." They replied "It's very relaxing to be here. It doesn't feel like I have to survive every day and instead get to live a normal live for a bit.

Now Josuke was curious about who that person was and where they were from. He couldn't see their face, and they spoke Japanese without an accent, so he wasn't able to pinpoint anything about them. But he didn't want to give in and ask them, he wouldn't grant them that satisfaction, so he just listened to them as they continued to talk.

"I really wish I could stay here for a little longer, you know? The people here seem to have a nice life. It truly upsets me, makes me even frustrated that I can't stay after my job is done." their voice didn't lose any of their characteristics, they didn't sound upset, instead they sounded sad and a bit desperate.

" But after I've finished my research about the topic of my article, I'll be sent straight home."

"An article? Are you a journalist? And an article about what?" Josuke couldn't hold his curiosity back, this person was to strange to not be interested in what they have to tell you, a mysterious aura surrounded them and was able to captivate whoever they were talking to.

" Well you could call me a journalist if you want to, but it's not really what I am. My article focuses on how people here live and how they reach satisfaction in their daily lives, withou-" they coughed before continuing, "their daily lives in Japan."they finished.

Josuke knew that there was something fishy about the person in front of him, at the same time he felt like they weren't a threat towards him and that eased his mind immensely.

He took a closer look at their clothing, still not able to see their face. It didn't really fit into anything he had seen people or even tourists wear around Morioh, not even stand users they had fought. He couldn't assign the clothes to any continent or country where they could be fashionable. He was absolutely lost.

Then he took a closer look at the newspaper nothing seemed to be special about it, except one tiny detail he almost didn't notice. The date. The newspaper had the wrong date printed on it, that could of course happen, but it must be a rather big mistake if they print 2182 instead of 2000 or maybe someone pulled a tiny prank to confuse people.

He was about to open his mouth to say something, when he realized that the train had arrived at his stop. He stood up looking back at the stranger.

"Well, I hope you enjoy your stay here and good luck with that article of yours."

With that he left the train. He couldn't see it but they were smirking behind their newspaper.

"So that boy was a stand user," you murmured, "he definitely saw the date on the newspaper, how interesting." Your work was done here, you had met a stand user in the year 2000, which proved your theory about how stands were integrated into peoples lives, far before your time, which meant you also proved your professor wrong. His shocked and sour face would be the highlight of your semester.

A/N: Ive wanted to write a stranger on a train scenario for some weeks now and finally got it done.
Happy holidays!

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