A Warm Night (Pt.3 DIO)

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The air was hot. Way too hot. You didn't remember hearing about a rise in temperature this night , nor was one expected in the next weeks. As you slowly opened your eyes it dawned on you why.

You weren't in your room or even in your house, hell you were probably in another country. You didn't know how you got here at all.

The room you where in was huge. Darkness surrounded you and swallowed the parts of the room that weren't illuminated by candlelight.

You sat up. It was going to be impossible to sleep when it was so hot. You also wanted to know where you were, how you got here and why you were here.

As you stepped into the darkness that surrounded the bed you were strangely calm. Not thinking about what could lure in the shadows.

Your hands could feel the texture of wood, so you assumed that you reached a door and felt for the door handle. To your surprise it wasnt locked, almost like the person who brought you here didn't even expect you to leave the bed.

The door led to a dark corridor. As you stepped outside the room you realized how big the place you were in was.

You made your way down the corridor when you heard steps from around a corner. You didn't want to risk running into a potential kidnapper, so you just decided to hide in one of the many rooms and wait.

The room you entered was significantly smaller then the room you woke up in, but it still looked like out of a movie, decorated in riches with some gold ornaments on the door and antique looking furniture.

You listened to the heavy steps passing and waited for a minute afterwards, before you left your hiding spot and continued your search for an exit.

'This house is built like a fucking labyrinth' you thought. You hadn't seen any light sources, almost as if the people who lived there didn't really need them.

With your hands you kept feeling for your way out of the darkness, but it seemed to get only darker.

How could anyone live in a place as dark as this and walk around without bumping into stuff all the time? You had stubbed your toe twice already!

The heat didn't make anything better, as it was still extremely warm.

Suddenly, while letting your hand feel along the wall, you noticed another door in front of you. This one was bigger then the ones in the corridor. It had more ornaments on it and the door handle felt strangely cold in this heat. From the inside you heard a voice, it seemed like a man talking to someone in a seductive tone.

You decided it was best to keep locking for the exit. You started to think about the reason you might be here.

You didn't come from a wealthy family, so a ransom demand was out of the picture. You summoned your stand 'The Family Jewels'. You had her and her ability to create jewelry that you could control, mostly used to make chains to keep your opponents away from you, since you were little

You thought about, if maybe your stand was the reason you got kidnapped. You never told anyone about it, not even your parents, but you knew that there had to be people similar to you.

As 'Family Jewels' chains swung around as you thought how you could get out of this situation without harm.

Her chains weren't strong, they were still mere jewelry, not made to withstand a lot of force. You could use her chains to choke enemies if it came to a situation where you were in danger, or use bangles to keep their hands away from you.

While you were thinking you didn't notice red eyes watching you closely. Only when you heard the big door fall shot you noticed that you weren't alone any longer and felt a rush of panic cause through your veins.

 Jojos bizarre adventure x reader Oneshots           Where stories live. Discover now