Therapy (Pt. 3 DIO)

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A/N: this is a bit of a mess, sorry for that.

The Vampire stood in front of the tall building. For the last five minutes he did nothing more than stare at it and his mood had already dropped. Why did anyone think that this would be a good idea? How did he get himself into this situation? And who's idea was it in the first place?

The blonde sighed. He could be at his mansion, laying in bed and drinking some wine while reading, having a little fun with some people he picked up on the streets, before draining them of their blood and then... Okay maybe there wasn't much he did anyways.

But here he was now, ready to go to therapy. He didn't even know what had ridden him, when he had decided that it would be interesting to see what a therapist would say about him. Being immortal truly gave him too much time to kill.

As soon as he entered the building all the attention went to him. Dio thought it was because of his captivating aura, but truly it only was because of his horrendous yellow outfit (the elf shoes he wore didn't help at all).

His confidence shone through when he went up to the front desk, to announce that he wanted to see a therapist.

"I want to see one of your therapists, the best one there is." he said with a devilish grin, honestly based on his behavior and fashion sense, no one who witnessed his interaction with the woman behind the front desk was surprised. This man definitely needed some help. The way he glared daggers at everyone who seemed to stare at him a little bit too long for his liking and his demanding choice of words were enough to intimidate them.

"Ah- eh well there is a free spot in a few weeks, I cou-"

"I think I wasn't clear enough. I meant now." he spoke in a sharp tone.

The woman behind the desk shivered. Should she just send this maniac up to someone and hope that he wouldn't kill them? Call the security guy, who probably wouldn't be able to do anything? Run and hope that terrifyingly good looking man wouldn't catch her?

The first option seemed like the one that wouldn't get her killed by this behemoth with gold eyes.

And so she just put on her best costumer smile and squeaked out a floor and office number. She already felt sorry for the poor soul that would have to deal with him.

Dio just gave her a satisfied grin before he strutted towards the elevator.

He didn't even knock before he opened the door with the number the secretary gave him, why should he bother with that?

The person behind the desk looked surprised, they certainly didn't recognize this man.

"I'm sorry, but I have to ask you to leave if you're not a patient of mine." they stated, looking back down at their documents.

"You should get your utensils out, I'm your next appointment." he dictated, sitting down on an arm chair and put his feet up on a small coffee table in front of him. He didn't pay his new therapist any mind.

When they opened their mouth to ask a question, he interrupted them," Bring me a glass of wine." he showed them a charming smile.

"I'm afraid I'm not allowed to offer you any alcoholic beverages."

"I wasn't asking." a threatening undertone shone through his calm voice

"Sir, I can't. I don't have any wine here anyways. I don't even know why you're in my office.

" I was getting to that. I'm curious what you have to say about me by the end of this."

And so he sat there, talking and talking about his life before the Joestars, his mothers death and his father's alcoholism. How he got adopted and started to ruin Jonathans life, before he decided to trick him, by making him believe that they were like brothers. He didn't leave anything out.

Then he got to the nearly 100 years that he spent under water in the Atlantic. His thoughts during that time, regrets and how he set a new goal for himself.

With every crime he confessed to, the face of his therapist grew more shocked. They stopped taking notes a long time ago and just stared at him.

In Dios mind their puny little human brain probably couldn't comprehend how a life as magnificent as his was possible. In reality the overload of information had flooded their brain and they were just waiting for this man to stop talking.

After he was done talking about the past he started talking about himself and what currently bothered him in life.

It felt like he could talk without needing to take a breath, which was probably the case. It took two hours till he was finally finished. He stood up abruptly before strutting over to them and leaned down next to their ear.

"I can trust you to keep this between the two of us, right?"

"O-of course!" they stuttered out

"Good, now tell me. What do you think do my actions say about me and my mentality?" his tone sounded amused, like all this was just a silly little game to pass his time.

"Well uhm, I'd say that most of your mannerisms are caused by the trauma that you were forced to endure in your childhood, you didn't have any good coping mechanisms and your anger seems to be a great weakness of yours." they didn't dare to say anything else, too scared of his reaction. There was an angry spark in his eyes as they looked at him.

"Anything else you noticed about me?"

"No" they squeaked out, obviously lying. There was a lot to unpack about him.

The vampire seemed satisfied with that answer, before he was suddenly gone, almost like he was just an illusion.

Exhausted the poor Therapist slouched over and released a deep breath.

Outside the blond scoffed, what a waste of time this therapy thing had been, he shouldve stayed in the mansion with his wine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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