Doll House (Halloween Special)

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The old door had creaked when you pushed it open. In the dark you couldn't really make out anything, but you felt the flowers which were carved into the wood, a pattern which resembled roses.

The hallway was dimly lit, which seemed odd considering that there wasn't anyone supposed to live here. You could now see that the wooden door was painted in red.

Why did you come here again? You couldn't seem to remember, but you knew that it was something important otherwise you wouldn't have entered. You were looking for something, that's the only thing you remembered.

You made your way further inside, noticing the pictures on the walls. They looked normal till you decided to take a closer look. In each of them you noticed a doll, dressed in a black suit with short kind of blueish hair that looked a bit like spikes. The eyes seemed to be yellow. Some looked like Portraits of that specific doll, others showed normal things like a picture of a forest, with the doll still being in the background, sometimes hiding behind a tree, or looking through a small window. It was always there, almost as if it was watching each and every of your moves.

But the picture that creeped you out the most wasn't one of the close up portraits. It was a picture of a lake during a sunset, the sun reflecting in the water. At first you thought that maybe it was the first normal picture, but then you noticed the doll. It was hidden in the water, barely under the surface, looking like a drowning victim. It's yellow eyes seemed to stare at you, almost like it knew you were there.

You didn't know why, but this picture made you want to turn around and get out of this house, but you couldn't. You knew that you were here for important matters.

You continued and under one of the Portrait pictures you read the name 'Junior'. Was that the dolls name? You really didn't want to know.

Finally leaving the hallway, you entered what seemed to be an old living room. It looked like straight out of the Victorian era. The furniture looked rather expensive and if it wasn't for the creepy ambience of this whole building, you might have actually liked this room. It was also not dark, in contrast to the hallway the light seemed almost too bright for your eyes.

Looking around the room some more, there were some pictures too, not as weird as the ones in the hallway, but creepy enough to sent a shiver down your spine. If someone told you to describe the perfect horror movie setting, it would be this room.

It was then that you began to realize that there were little dolls sitting on the sofa, one holding a book in their hands, another one held a mirror and a third just sat there staring into nothingness. None of these dolls looked like the 'Junior' from the hallway portraits. The doll with the book had black hair, while the one staring into nothingness which sat next to it had blond hair, both kept short, which was a contrast to the doll which held the mirror. It had long brown hair tied into ponytails.

Whoever lived here must have been a collector of dolls at some point in their live. Maybe they were an lonely elderly person without any relatives or friends and just had their dolls to keep them company?

That would explain the little obsession they seemed to have.

Carefully you made your way towards, what you assumed was, the kitchen. Slowly pushing the door open you were greeted with the sight of even more dolls. Now it were five sitting around a table, all of them with distinguishable features.

One with blonde hair, which was tied into three buns at the back of its head, the one next to it had green hair and was holding a fishing rod.

On the opposite side of the table you could see one doll smaller than the others, it had a buzz cut while the one sitting next to it had blue curls and wore red glasses. For a moment you wondered if that was 'Junior', but the doll looked nothing like the one you saw on the pictures, except for the blue hair.

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