Free Woman (Jolyne)

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Part 6 ending spoilers, but I don't go into much detail.

Basically Jolyne survived. Who else survived is up to your imagination, based on how angsty or fluffy you want it to be.


Jolyne woke up to the regular beeping of a machine. Her eyes fluttered open slightly and she began to take in her surroundings. The first thing she felt was her whole body aching, even in places that she would've never expected to.

There was a blinding light and the white walls didn't exactly help. She felt softness under her fingers and slowly started to stroke over the material as she noticed that it was probably a blanket.

'How special something as normal as a blanket feels after you've been through hell' she thought. In her mind she already had registered that she was in a hospital room, which meant that she had survived.

She didn't remember much of the fight right now, only the feeling of adrenaline shooting through her veins. And she began to ask herself if she was the only one to survive, if she was truly the last one standing, like a tragic heroine who lost all what was dear to her along the way.

Maybe the others were hurt, maybe even in the same hospital, she didn't want to think about them being dead for a second longer, she just didn't have the energy for that.

Then her thoughts drifted to you and she couldn't help but be worried about where you were and how you were doing. God she didn't even know if you were still alive.

She had now regained enough conscience to fully open her eyes, but the only thing she could see was the hospital room, which looked blurry.

She thought about calling for someone, but her throat felt dry. When was the last time she drank something? How long had she been here.

Her thoughts drifted back to when she first met you. The way you were so energetic and friendly, even in an hostile environment like a prison was something she wouldn't have expected, especially from someone who was wronged, just like her. You were a rare ray of sunshine in the situation she had found herself in and you and your stand were pretty useful.

Of course you two grew closer in no time.

Jolyne let out a deep breath as she tried to focus on the good memories she made with you. She didn't want to think about the possibility that you might be dead.

She thought about that one day you two had spent in the library together. She closed her eyes, remembering the atmosphere, the smell of the books and the way you sounded so excited when you talked about your favorite book to her. She remembered how your eyes practically sparkled. Looking back at it now, that was the day she started to see you as more than a friend.

She thought about the time in the cafeteria, when she gave you some of her food after you finished yours and were still hungry. She would never forget the smile you showed her. It was also one of the first times she caught herself looking at your lips.

Ermes had of course noticed and started to tease her about it. Jolyne let out a chuckle remembering her friends words. Ermes had even come up with a little ryme that she couldn't remember right now.

Then the night she had snuck out of her cell, having to avoid the guards and Anasui, just so she could get to you.

That night you talked about your lives before prison, before you had met.

Jolyne thought about how beautiful you looked under the Moonlight, she didn't know that you thought the exact same.

Suddenly you had laid your head on her lap and looked up at her. There was clear admiration in your eyes and your voice sounded warm as you said the words that made her heart beat so fast that she thought it would jump out of her chest.

"Jolyne, I like you. I'm glad we met, because you make me happy and I feel at ease around you. Everything seems less dull when you're beside me."

The night sky looked pretty, but it didn't look nearly as pretty as you, smiling up at Jolyne from her lap. In fact, you looked so adorable that Jolyne couldn't help herself, as she brought her hand to your cheek, before she bent down to give you a small kiss on your lips.

She didn't know if your confession was meant as platonic or if you wanted to be more than friends, but she had to give it a try.

In the hospital room Jolyne sighed. The memory of that moonlit night was very dear to her. The way your lips felt so soft against hers and how, after she pulled away from you, you had wrapped your arms around her neck to pull her back in for another kiss.

She went through so many of the memories she had with you, trying to convince herself that you weren't dead. No! You were strong and determined, you couldn't be dead!

You two had planned to go to the cinema or on picnics once this was over. You had promised her that you would show her your favorite places and introduce her to your friends. You two had spent so much time fantasizing and talking and planning what you were going to do.

Jolyne was finally able to open her eyes again, her vision wasn't that blurry anymore and she had better control over her hands now.

She noticed the glass of water next to her bed, slowly reached for it and gulped it down. Half of the glass spilled on her hospital gown because of how fast she drank, she didn't care.

As she sat the glass down she could hear voices from outside the door. As they got closer she saw familiar silhouettes behind the milk colored glass.

"I just want to see her, please! I need to know that she's alright."

Words Jolyne only ever expected to hear from her mother, but the voice didn't fit at all, though it sounded familiar.

The door flung open and there you stood, also in a hospital gown, leaning on a crutch. As you saw her sea-green eyes looking back at you, you let out a sob of relief before basically jumping on her bed and pulling her into a hug.

"I thought I might never see you again." You whispered, hugging her a bit tighter.

"Well, I can't let you go onto all those dates we planned on your own right?" she chuckled, while tears were streaming down her face.

Now you two would have all the time in the world to do just what you had planned. No more fighting, no more being imprisoned, no more fear of anyone dieing.

You two were now free women.

A/N: To celebrate the release of the last batch of Stone Ocean I decided to write something for Jolyne.
I actually wanted to release this on the first of December, but I would've probably forgotten, so you get it now.

I hope you enjoyed!

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