Surprise Adoption (Bucci Gang)

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Since you arrived in Italy everything has been going downhill. You were supposed to look for a boy named Haruno Shiobana. Together with Koichi you traveled there, that's when it started.

Koichi had convinced Rohan to use Heaven's Door on you too, so you could speak Italian. You thought this was going to be easy, like a little vacation, with the occasional stand fight.

What you didn't expect was to first lose your luggage and then Koichi.

When your suitcases were stolen, he wanted to call Jotaro, since he was the one who actually remembered the phone number. You on the other hand started to feel like coming along wasn't that good of an idea, but pushed that feeling aside, due to feeling like it was just out of nervousness.

When it came to fights, your stand 'shadow on the wall' wasn't very involved. It granted you the ability to turn into a shadow or take the light from one place and use it elsewhere, leaving the place where you took the light from dark . It was perfect for spying and the infiltration of places. 'Shadow on the wall' used the light it saved often to throw flashes of light at its opponents, partially blinding them. It was more of a defensive stand.

You never rushed into battle, and you knew Koichi wasn't like that either, when he attacked the tree trunk and fell back you decided to follow Giorno in your shadow Form to try and get him. You didn't worry about Koichi in that moment, but when you couldn't see the blonde boy anymore, you realized you left Koichi alone and had no idea where you were.

Sighing you turned back to normal and sat down on some stairs to think what you could do now. You didn't have your passport or ID, you didn't know Jotaros number, so you couldn't call him to ask where your hotel was and maybe meet Koichi there.

Maybe if you went back to the airport, you would find back to the place where you two met Giorno and you could ask some locals if they knew where Koichi went.

But considering that you didn't know where you were, finding the airport was not an option right now, since there was a huge chance of walking into the wrong direction, getting even more lost in the labyrinth of Naples streets.

You didn't know what to do and started feeling anxious. The only thing you wanted was to find Koichi right now, so you wouldn't be alone in a foreign country. At least you knew the language, thanks to Rohan. You didn't want to ask people for help out of fear of getting robbed again.

Deciding you had wasted enough time you got up and started to walk around, it couldn't get any worse, even if you would walk into the wrong direction, maybe you would come across Koichi who was looking for you?

Meanwhile the sun started to set, flooding the streets in a golden light and painting a few clouds in different colors. It looked truly beautiful. The sky was so different from what you knew from home. Nostalgia and homesickness hit you hard.

You had reached the point of hopelessness. In the distance you could see the ocean. It shimmered like silver under the low sun. You began walking towards it, a glimmer of hope inflamed your mind. Maybe you could use the ocean as an orientation point,or there was one of those maps for tourists! It was possible.

You began walking faster, not taking your eyes of the stripe of silver at the Horizon, only to bump into someone.

You looked up seeing a tall man with dark shoulder long hair and a brown hat. You quickly apologized and wanted to continue walking when the man grabbed your wrist forcing you to stop your movements. This guy gave you a weird vibes, the smell of alcohol permanent on him. Your gut feeling screaming at you to get away from him. You didn't want to hurt a civilian, but something told you that this guy was definitely not one.

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