Chapter 1 New School

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"Alright class this is your new classmate Y/n L/n" my male teacher was introducing me to the class "Now Y/n is mute so she can't speak but if you want to communicate with her she can just write her reply on a piece of paper. If you are really interested she is even willing to teach anyone sign language if they want to learn"

All of the young faces stared at me inquisitively not knowing what to think of me. I am most likely the first mute person they have ever met. If it was up to me I wouldn't even be in this situation right now but my mom had to go back to work so I couldn't be home school anymore.

"Please be welcoming to her" the teacher gave his class a stern look "I am going to give you the seat behind Izuku. Izuku raises your hand."

There was the green-hair boy who sat in the far back of the classroom and raised his hand. I went and took my seat behind him it was in the back of the classroom next to the window. As I passed the green hair boy named Izuku he gave me a small smile which I return. I have always been good at reading people the softness of his eyes made me know he was a kind soul. As I took my seat the teacher began his lesson.

He was teaching Algebra and going on about variables. My mother always pushed me to be ahead in my studies so this was easy for me. I acted as if I was paying attention but in reality, I was lost in my own head. I wanted to pull out the book I brought to read but decided against it. I didn't want to get in trouble on my first day.

I was absent mindlessly looking at the board when I felt eyes boring into me. My eyes snapped to a pair of red eyes who were glaring into me. I froze not able to look away. He was seating in the row next to me a few seats down in the perfect spot to stare at me. Once I caught him staring he scoffed at me before turning back around.

Instead of looking back at the teacher, I decided to start drawing little doodles in my notebook. As I was about to finish drawing my chibi Gojo drawing a piece of folded paper fell onto my notebook. I took the paper unfolding it there was a message on the inside.

Would you like to have lunch together

I was planning on going to the library during lunch but I like the thought of being friends with Izuku. I wrote yes below Izuku's question before folding the note and passing it back to him. I could see Izuku smile when he read my note.

After Algebra class then we had Lecture class after that was History class only after all those classes did we have lunch. I grabbed the bento mom had made me and also a notepad and pen. When I looked back up Izuku was already standing up.

"Are you ready to go?" Izuku asked giving me a smile

I nod before standing up from my desk to follow Izuku out of the classroom. I made eye contact with the red eye male before quickly looking away.

"They are the perfect couple the mute and the quirckless loser" Someone shouted making the whole class burst into a laughing fit. I knew it was the red eye male who had said it

Siren's Song: Yandere MHA(BNHA) Characters x Female Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now