Chapter 26 Family

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My body felt heavy and hot like there was a thick blanket over me. I push at the object but it wouldn't budge. The object felt firm in my grasp this felt unnatural. I jerked from my sleep welcoming the darkness into my sight. It took a moment for my eyes to see I wasn't alone there was someone looming over me. The body was pressed firmly into my own body.

I pushed at the person which annoyed them so they pinned my hands above my head. Now that my hands were restrained the person's hand started to slip up my shirt. Since I was sleeping I didn't have a bra on so the hand was easily able to grasp my breast.

"Get off" I shouted my voice filling the quiet room

"Shhhh Y/n they'll hear you"

Shoto's voice came out as a whisper. He hand-messaged my breast before sliding down my body. The hand slid into my shorts causing me to freak out.

"GET THE FUK OFF ME" my voice carried throughout the house "YOU FUCKING CRAZY BASTARD GET OFF ME. MOM HELP!"

There was a recuse that could be heard coming down the hall. Even though we knew there were people coming Shoto stayed on top of me. My bedroom door slammed open as someone came in. Shoto was tossed off me and my mother wrapped her arms around me.

"Are you okay?" my mother asked

"No" I answered "I want to leave I want it t just be us again. Fuck this family"

My mother pats my head before rubbing her hand across my neck. Her hand froze there as she pat for something that wasn't there.

"Y/n where is your choker?" my mother's voice was drenched in fear

My eyes bulged out of my head as I looked around for the metal choker. It was on the floor next to my bed Shoto must have taken it off while I was sleeping. My mom jumped up from the floor and grabbed my hand taking me with her.

"Let's go,"  my mother said as she try to pull me out of the room until Endeavor blocked our path

"Where do you think you are going?" Endeavor asked

He wasn't alone the whole family was standing behind him. They had been exposed to my voice thanks to Shoto. Now my quirk was taking effect on them.

"I am taking my daughter and leaving" my mother push me behind her and a protective stance

"You are not taking our daughter anywhere," Endeavor said through clenched teeth

My mother activated her quirk manipulating the vines from verse house plants around the home sending them flying toward the Todoroki family. She had wanted to wrap the vines around them so we could get away but Endeavor quickly burnt the vines. Endeavor grabbed my mother holding both of her hands in one of his fists.

"Fuyumi stay with Y/n tonight make sure she gets plenty of rest," Endeavor said the order to his daughter

"What about the guard Shoto knocked out," Natsuo asked as he gently kicked the knocked-out male

There was a limp body laying just outside my door. It was one of Zack's men that Shoto had to knock out to get to me.

"Just leave him there for now," Endeavor order

I watch as Endeavor pulled my mother down the hall into their shared room. My mother's pink eyes stared at me in desperation. As the door slammed shut I felt like I was going to vomit. A gentle hand touches my shoulder causing me to flinch. I turn to see Fuyumi standing beside me. She had a bright smile on her face but her gray eyes looked off.

"Come Y/n let's go to sleep" Fuyumi said

I wanted to run. I needed to run.

"If you try to run will just drag you back," Natsuo said

My blood ran cold at the thought of them chasing me. I went to my bed setting down instead of laying down. I grabbed my chocker placing it around my neck and latching it into place. Fuyumi came over taking a seat beside me. She places her hand on my back rubbing it up and down.

"Could you not touch me?" I asked

Fuyumi moved her hand away placing it on her lap "Sorry Y/n"

We just sat there in silence there was no way I could go back to sleep. The minutes ticked by when there was a knock at the door. I saw this as an opportunity to get help so I stood up running before Fuyumi could grab me pulling me back. I made it to the front door slinging open the wooden barrier. Zack was standing there in the darkness of the night.

"Y/n what are you doing up," Zack asked confused


A large hand was placed over my mouth stopping anything from leaving my lips. Endeavor was the one to grab me as he pulled me to his side. He tossed the unconscious guard at Zack's feet.

"You and your crew are dismissed" Endeavor stated "Now get off my property"

"Why won't you let Y/n talk," Zack asked as he checked on his crewmate that was tossed on the ground

My eyes burn with tears that slid down my face stopping at Endevor's hand. I wanted to speak but the hand was stopping any words from coming out.

"She doesn't want you to go but she'll get over it. Now go before I call the cops and get you arrested" Endeavor said pulling me back into the house

I was able to give Zack one last desperate look before the door shut in my face. Endeavor held my face as he dragged me back to my room. He stops at my room pushing me inside.

"leave again and you will regrate it" Endeavor gave me one last stern look before going back into his room

"Come lay down," Fuyumi said patting my futon

There was nothing else I could do so I went over and crawled into my futon. Once I was inside the sheets Fuyumi tucked me into the covers. She turns off the light before laying down on the floor beside me.

The house wasn't quiet as the sounds of whimpers could be heard throughout the house. Soon it turns into full cries. Endeavor was beating my mother and I couldn't do anything about it. The cries invade my ears and filled my mind. I couldn't take it as I place my finger into my ears to block out the sounds. Fuyumi wrapped her arm around me to try and comfort me but it didn't work. I wasn't sure when I fell asleep but even in my dreams, I heard the sounds of my mother's whimper.





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