Chapter 28 Missing

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I couldn't escape Shoto as he followed me all over the school. Around every corner, Shoto would be there to "guard" me. That was just an excuse to keep a close eye on me. I wasn't sure if this was his own doing or if his father had put him up to it.

When the school day was over he followed me to my study group I had with the big three. I got to the library making my way to where I had gone yesterday. The big three were already occupying when of the large tables. They all looked confused when they saw Shoto following behind me.

" Who did you bring with you Y/n"  Nejire ask even with the smile on her face I could tell she was annoyed

I looked over my shoulder to still see Shoto a foot away from me. Even though he should feel awkward for interrupting something he wasn't invited he looked unbothered. He still held that bored expression on his face.

"He's my step-brother kind of and he followed me here even though I don't need a chaperone"

After I said that Mirio and Tamaki glared at Shoto. Nejire stood up coming over to Shoto. There was a smile on her face but it still felt intimidating. She stood in front of Shoto placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"We have a lot of work to do so why don't you set at one of the empty tables" It didn't sound like a subjection coming from her more of a daman

Shoto didn't argue instead he took a seat at the closest empty table. He turn his chair so that he was facing my study group. Nejire took me by the hand leading me to our table. Nejire took the seat beside Tamaki which left me seated beside Mirio. I was already having bad flashbacks from our last movie night. Even though I took the seat next to him I scooted my chair as far as I could from him.

"So shall we start where we left off yesterday?' Tamaki asked

I nod my head before pulling out my worksheets. We start with English which Mirio was the main to help me with. Once that was done we started on Science which was Nejire's best subject. As they were helping me with defying the different parts of a cell I felt a hand on my thigh.

Mirio's hand was rubbing up and down on my thigh. He gave my flesh a squeeze before slipping his hand under my skirt. Mirio's hand was getting way too close to my underwear. I stop doing my work and turn my attention to him. This baster had the balls to smile at me.

"Can you remove your hand from my thigh" My voice came out a lot strong than I had expected

Mirio looked shocked so did his other two classmates. I could see out of the corner of my that Shoto was out of his seat. He hadn't moved yet but I could tell he was pissed. I didn't want a fight so I stood up knocking away Mirio's hand.

"I think we should stop here for today," I said gathering up my worksheets "I'll come tomorrow as long as Mirio learns to keep his hands to himself"

Once all my worksheets were in my bag I walked to the exit. I didn't have to look behind me to know that Shoto was following me. We walked in silence all the way home neither of us talked about the Mirio incident.  

As soon as we walked through the door Fuyumi was there to greet us. She had a smile plastered on her face as she pulled me into a hug.

"What took you both so long?" Fuyumi asked

I wiggled out of her grasp before speaking "I had a study group today"

"I was thinking maybe it would be safer if you started home-schooling, Y/n. I would be more than glad to tea-"

"I like my school" I cut Fuyumi off

Fuyumi's smile falter before returning to her face "We'll talk about it later for now let's have dinner"

Shoto and I both took off our shoes before following Fuyumi to the dining room. Natsuo and Endeavor were already seated at the table. They both hadn't started eating as I assumed they were waiting for us. I took a seat beside Fuyumi as she felt like the safest option.

"Thank you for the food," they all said before digging into the food

I couldn't eat because something was off and that was that my mother wasn't there. There was a sinking feeling in my gut that told me something was wrong.

"Where is my mom?" I asked

Endeavor watched me out of the corner of his eye "She is on a mission and won't be back for a couple of days"

No. Everything felt wrong. I felt like my mother was in danger.

"Is she okay?" I asked

Endeavor gave me a stern look "Of course she is. Why would I hurt her?"

I wanted to point out I had never said anything about him hurting her but I didn't. Everything felt wrong about the whole situation. My mother had never done missions alone before as she was just a sidekick. No, my mother was missing and now I was alone with the Todoroki family.


As soon as the three of us had left the school only then did I punch the nearby wall. I love Y/n but her attitude really pisses me off so did that stepbrother of hers. I could see Nejire roll her eyes as she passed me. I followed my friends after I was done taking my anger out on the wall.

"You are going to break your hand" Nejire commented

"I don't care" I snapped back which only made Nejire roll her eyes again

"Please calm down Mirio," Tamaki pleaded with me

"How am I supposed to  calm down after what happened today," I asked my annoyance dripping in my voice

Nejirie stopped which cause myself and Tamaki to stop as well. She looked as if she was pondering something. Then her face brighten like she had a great idea.

"Y/n only talk back today because she is gaining confidence" Nejire explained "If we want the old Y/n back we need to brake her confidence then she'll go back to the same shy Y/n we love. Unfortunately this would mean we would basically have to bully Y/n but it would be for her own good"

She was right Y/n had a new confidence since she was kidnapped. I still loved her but there was a part of me that wanted to break her.

"How are we going to do that when she constantly has the red and white hair guy with her," Tamaki asked

"Well...." Nejire held a long pause before she spoke again "We could take her which would be the most efficient way or we could do it at school which would take longer and others could get in the way"

"You want to kidnap Y/n," Tamaki asked in shocked

"Don't miss the old Y/n who we use to be able to make flustered so easily?" I asked my friend

Tamaki's eyes were on me and I could tell no matter what morals Tamaki had he knew I was right. Nejire snapped her fingers getting both mine and Tamaki's attention.

"So are we doing this?" She asked




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