Chapter 9 Locker

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It was hard to not tell my mother what happen during the USJ attack. She was super worried that day when I got home which I am sure how I was acting made her suspicious that something bad had gone down. She even kept me home from school for a couple of days. I had hoped that this would be enough time for everyone to get over hearing my voice.

That wasn't the case though because I had to sneak out of my house to avoid Izuku and Bakugo. They were outside my house bright and early waiting for me to leave for school. A shouting match broke out between them luckily my mother had already left for work today so she wasn't there to see it.

I snuck out the back of my house to avoid them. Which meant I had to jump my neighbor's 5-foot-tall fence just to get away. When I fell over the fence I hit the ground loud and hard I took off running just in case either male heard my fall.

When I got to UA I went to my locker where I proceed to place my head on it to catch my breath. There was no doubt that this day was going to be an exhausting one. All I wanted was to be absorbed by the locker to never be seen again.



 I guess I wasn't lucky enough to be absorbed by locker to never be seen again. The voice got my attention so I turn to see who it was. There was Tamaki with a rose in his grasp holding it out to me.  His face was a crimson red from his cheeks to his pointy ears. Of course one of the people I didn't want to see found me as soon as I enter school.

"This is for y-you," Tamaki said holding the flower out to me

It was so hard to be mean to Tamaki he was such a softy. Even though I knew I should have no interaction between us but I just couldn't be mean. I took the rose from him mouthing 'thank you with no sound. I grabbed my school books and also placed the rose into my locker so it wouldn't get damaged.

"Tamaki, Y/n"

Tamaki and my name were shouted and we both turn to see Miro and Nejire running to us. Nejire ran over to me grabbing my arm.  She smiled so brightly at me almost like she was the sun and I was the earth bassing in her light.

"It's so good to see you Y/n," Nejire said as she still clings to me

"We wanted to walk you to class," Miro said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder

Since I couldn't protest they guide me through the halls of the school. Nejire was clinging to my arm, Miro had his arm around me, and Tamaki was following behind me. Tamaki was so close to me I could feel his body heat. We must have been a sight to see because we were getting a lot of stares.

"Class 1-c right y/n," Miro asked

I shook my head, yes but then I realized he already knew my class. Which made me wonder what else he knew about me. The group walked me to my classroom door but Nejire was refusing to let my arm go.

Siren's Song: Yandere MHA(BNHA) Characters x Female Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now