Chapter 10 Ride

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I let go of Mei turning to see Todoroki standing at the classroom door. His body language made it seem like he was calm but his eyes looked to have so much hate and they were looking at Mei. My instincts had me push Mei behind blocking her from the sight of Todoroki. I thought Todoroki would turn his hateful eyes towards me but when they landed on me there was only love and admiration shining through.

"I heard you were going to Endeavor's office after school today so I came to give you a ride" Todoroki explained

How did hear that when the only people I told were the big three? It's not like he is friends with them and he wasn't on the roof with us. Or was he?

'I actually decided to go home instead I signed out

"Then I'll give you a ride home"

I didn't want to argue also I wanted to get him away from Mei by the way he was looking at her. I grabbed my bag but also picked up the threatening note from off the floor sliding it into my pocket. Mei waved at me as I left but instead of her usual bright smile, she looked worried.

Todoroki grabbed onto my hand as we walked down the hall. His hand was colder than a normal person it made me shiver. There was a car waiting for us as we exited the school. Since he came from money he didn't have to walk home as I did. Todoroki gave my address to his driver an address I had never given him. Even growing up we had never been to each other's houses so how did he know where I lived?

We didn't speak during the car ride but Todoroki never let go of my hand. I only try once to shake my hand free which only made him hold my hand tighter. I couldn't express how happy I was when the car stopped in front of my family home.

"This is your house it's very small" Todoroki commented

My eye twitches from his unwanted comment. I want to shake his hand off and slam the door in his face but he still wouldn't release me. Since I couldn't get away I just blankly stared at him hoping to make him uncomfortable but it didn't work. We just sat there as he held my hand rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand.

"Your skin is soft Y/n where else are you soft" Todoroki's comment made my stomach do flips

It was quiet again and I wanted to leave this uncomfortable car.

"Master Todoroki your father is waiting for you" the driver broke the silence

"I'll see you tomorrow," Todoroki said before placing a kiss on the back of my hand and then letting it go

I rushed from the car practically running to my front door. When I had closed the door between me and the outside world only then did I relax. My body slumped against the door making my head hit it with a hard thud. When was my quirk going to wear off on them? I wasn't sure I could handle much more of their strange behaviors.

Siren's Song: Yandere MHA(BNHA) Characters x Female Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now