Chapter 5 New School Pt.1

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I twirled around in my new uniform I couldn't stop doing it. The beautiful uniform made me feel so mature. My hair had been put into many styles as I try to make it look good for the first day of school. I was too afraid that it looked weird so I just left it how I always styled my hair. Then I couldn't decide on make-up or no make-up the school rules allowed us to wear it, unlike in middle school. In the end, I just put on a little bit of make-up without overdoing it.

"Y/n, Izuku is here"

My mom shouted from downstairs her voice echoing throughout the house. I grabbed my bag putting the straps on my shoulder. Then I went downstairs where Izuku was waiting he was wearing the male version of my uniform. My mom was taking pictures of him which Izuku awkwardly stood for.

"Great y/n, come get in the pictures," my mom said grabbing me by the arm and dragging me to stand beside Izuku

As soon as I got my uniform my mom wanted to take pictures of me in it. She has always been one of those moms that wanted to capture every memory as a picture. I had already taken a hundred pictures now Izuku would go through the same torture. Mom had Izuku and me standing side by side taking picture after picture. At one point I slang my arm over Izuku's shoulder pulling him closer.

'Alright mom I think you have enough pictures' I signed unable to use my voice because of Izuku's presents

"Just one more" My mom begged

I shook my head no making my mom frown. She put her phone down before going to the kitchen when she came back she had a bento. She handed me the bento before giving me a hug.

"You both have a great day," my mom said as she open the door for us

"bye Mrs.L/n," Izuku said as he walked out I followed behind him giving my mom a small wave bye

Izuku and I walked to the train station that was ten minutes from my house. He fidgetted and quietly mumbled to himself. The train station was packed with morning commuters but we were able to squeeze into the packed train car. Izuku and I stood facing each other while being smooshed by other people. Izuku was looking down still mumbling to himself. I waved my hand in his face getting his attention.

'Don't be nervous Izuku you are going to do fine' I signed

"Thanks, Y/n," Izuku said nodding his head "I just feel like I don't deserve to be here"

I lightly punched him in the shoulder causing him to give me a bewildered look.

'You've worked harder than anyone I know you deserve to be at UA'

Izuku read my hands quietly nodding his head. I didn't miss the red tint rise to his face. He wasn't used to compliments so it always made him shy. The train came to a screeching halt stopping at the station. I grabbed Izuku's hand as we pushed past the bodies to get off at our stop. We didn't let go of our hands as we continue our walk to school. As we got closer to our destination we started to see more students wearing the UA uniform.

Siren's Song: Yandere MHA(BNHA) Characters x Female Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now