Chapter 3 The Race

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I was standing in front of my bedroom mirror. My body changed in the past two years I looked more mature for someone about to finish middle school. Our teacher had us pick out the high schools we wanted to go to. I had decided on UA just because Izuku was trying to get in as well but he wasn't the only one Bakugo was trying as well. Unlike them I didn't want to be in the hero course I would settle for just being in the support class. Even though I wanted to be in the support class I still had to take the entrance exam.

Izuku has had less time to hang out with me ever since he started his training. He never said who he was training with but I could see that he was gaining a lot of muscle mass. I took the free time to train with my mother who jump at the opportunity to train me. She had always taught me self-defense but this training was different I grew muscles I never thought were possible to have. My quirk may be useless but I had well-developed hand-to-hand combat now. No matter how much I told myself I was going to be fine I was still nervous.

"Sweety brekfest is done"

My mom shouted from downstairs in the kitchen. I looked away from the mirror and made my way downstairs. My mom was already at the table eating so I took the seat across from her. She had made me rice porridge to eat knowing that my stomach couldn't handle anything heavy. My anxiety was always bad before a big test and there was no test bigger than an entrance exam.

"It'll be fine sweety. You won't have to take the same test that Izuku is taking. Your test will be a lot easier." my mom said trying to ease my nervous

"Why will my test be different," I asked

"Well if your parent is a hero it is easier to get into schools like UA" My mom explained

That was her nice way of trying to explain hero privilege to me. It wasn't something new in this world everyone knew if your parents were heroes you got certain benefits. That is why I never told anyone who my mother was just because I didn't want them to treat me differently. If it was up to me I would take the same test as Izuku but mom already told me that wasn't allowed.

"At less, you and Shoto will be together for the exam"

"yeah that is cool we don't get to hang out a lot" I replied

It's not that I didn't want to hang out with Shoto because every time we try to get together his dad would interrupt us or pull Shoto away for training. It was easy to see that Endeavor didn't want me a '"quirkless" girl around his precious son.

"Well if you go to UA you'll get to see him all the time" My mom cheerfully said

I checked my wrist watch seeing I only had ten minutes till I had to meet Izuku. I ate the rest of the contents that were in the bowl. The bland porridge landed in my stomach with a thud. I made sure to put my empty bowl in the sink or mom would kill me.

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