Chapter 5

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"So, how old was I when me and Y/N had you? 16? Alright, and we met at the disco! The sex was amaaaazing!" Klaus said, blabbering on and on nonstop. 

Ugh. Five asked us to pretend to be his parents so he could get some information on an eyeball. Weird kid. Unfortunately, he was my brother. And he promised he would get me another car. 

"Gross, Klaus, we don't need that kind of backstory. No one's gonna ask about your sex life," I groaned. 

"She's right you know," said a voice. 

My head swiveled behind me, but seeing nobody. Weird. 


"I'm sorry, as I said to your child, all the information about the prosthetics that we build here are strictly confidential without a client's consent," the doctor explained. I rolled my eyes, giving my brothers the I told you so look. Probably that resembles Dad in some way. 

"We can't get consent if you don't give us a name," said Five impatiently. 

"That's not my problem, there's nothing else i can do--"

"What about my consent?" Klaus said, interrupting the doctor. 
"Excuse me?"

"Who gave you permission to lay your hands on my wife and son?" he said dramatically. 

Oh no. I don't like where this is going

"What? I didn't touch them," the doctor said, confused. 

"Then where did he get the busted lip? And where did she get that swollen eye? Huh?" he asked. 

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 

"They don't have--"

Klaus turned around, and punched Five in the jaw and me in the eye. 

"What the fuck, Klaus?!" I whisper-yelled. 

"Give me a name, now!" he said menacingly towards the doctor. 

I saw Five smirk, and I gave him a glare. For once, I actually felt like a mother figure. He gulped and turned away. 

"You're crazy," said the man. 

"You got no idea," Klaus said, grinning maniacally. 

"And you ain't seen the half of it," I said. 

Klaus picked up a snow globe on the desk. "Peace on Earth, that's so sweet," he murmured, before shattering the glass on his forehead. All of us winced as Klaus cackled gleefully.

"I'm calling security!" the doctor said, picking up the phone and dialing a number.
Before he could speak, Klaus snatched the phone from him. 

"There's been an assault in Mr. Big's office! We need help, Schnell!" he yelled into the phone, slamming it down on the receiver. 
"Now here's what's gonna happen, Grant," I started.

"It's Lance," he cut in. I growled menacingly. That's right. I growled. 

"In about sixty seconds, 2 security guards are gonna burst through the door, and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood, and they're gonna wonder 'what the hell happened?'. And we're gonna tell them," I said, starting to fake sob, "That you beat the shit out of us!"

Fake tears started to roll down my cheeks, smudging my makeup. I got out my lipstick and put some of them under my nose, making it seem like I was bleeding there. 

"Jesus, you're all sick bastards," he said, fearfully. 
"Thank you," me and Klaus said the same time. 


"Oh, that's strange," said Lance, looking at a file. 

"What?" Five asked. 

"The eye hasn't been purchased by a client yet."

"What? What do you mean," said Klaus worriedly. 

"Well, our log says that eye with the serial number-- That can't be right. It hasn't even been manufactured yet. Where did you get that eye?" he asked Five. 

This was all for nothing?!


I sat on the steps with Klaus, glaring at the Five who just teleported into a taxi, waving at us. I gave him the finger before turning to Klaus. "Klaus, is there a ghost who hangs around you often?" I asked. 

"Yes, why?" he said, confused.
"I think I might be able to hear him," I said, looking around. 

"She can hear me?" the voice said again. 

"There it goes again! Do you know who it is?" I asked. 

"Y/N. It's Ben."

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