Chapter 6

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"Number Eight, today, I wish for you to tap into a certain potential, "Reginald Hargreeves said, his daughter at his side. They were walking toward the basement, toward the soundproof chamber. 

"Papa, what do you want me to do?" said the 8 year-old girl, looking at her father questioningly. 

"Today, I want you to try to see ghosts," he said, leading her opening the door.

"But only Klaus can do that," replied the little girl.

"I believe if you sing the right song you would be able to hear them, even see them," Hargreeves answered. "Now go ahead."

He closed the door behind her, and pulled out his notebook, writing down notes.

Y/N Hargreeves' ethereal singing filled the chamber, but it was soon cut short by her screams of terror. She started banging on the window, tears in her eyes, looking back at the wall. Hargreeves could make out the words she was trying to say.


Let me out




Don't keep me in here


I'll do anything

Please Dad Please

But he ignored her pleas of help, continuing to write down his own notes.

Number Eight has developed the ability to see spirits.

He sighed, disappointed. This was the exact same reaction Number Four had. 

He closed the notebook and looked at his watch. He started walking back toward the stairs, while the sounds of screaming and screeching of his daughter filled the house.


The now 16 year-old Y/N Hargreeves lay beside Ben Hargreeves, talking with him in hushed voices in order not to wake up their family.

"Is this wrong, Y/N?" asked Ben, turning to face her. 

"Is what wrong?" she asked.

"This. We're supposed to be siblings. Don't get the wrong idea, I love you very much, but isn't this weird?" he asked cautiously.

"Well, not really. But at least we don't make goo-goo eyes at each other across the table at each other like Allison and Luther," she said, chuckling.

"Now, you're not wrong," he said, putting his arm around her. Y/N sighed contentedly and lay her head on his shoulder, drifting into sleep.


"NO!" Y/N screamed, trying to break free. 

"Y/N, no, it's too late, we can't do anything. He's losing control," said Luther, restraining her sister from rushing towards Ben, his tentacles flailing, him screaming in agony. 

"LET GO OF ME!" she screamed, hitting him repeatedly. 

"Y/N, stop," said Allison, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"NO!" Y/N yelled, as Ben screamed again. 

"I'm so sorry about this," Allison murmured lightly to her sister.

"I heard a rumor, you went to sleep."

Y/N struggled for a bit, her eyes flashed in betrayal, before they turned white, and she fell still in Luther arms, her breathing shallow. He gently lay her down in the snow, turning to look at Ben.

Their other siblings watched in horror as their brother fell to the ground, unmoving, and their other sister laying in the snow, cuts and bruises littered across her face.


Y/N stared at the coffin of her now dead boyfriend. Her umbrella gathering snow. She just stood there, while her siblings argued. It was pointless.

"Y/N, should've stopped him! She could always calm him down! So it was partially her fault!"

She didn't know who made the comment, but she looked up, her bloodshot eyes sweeping across her 6 siblings one by one. 

"Is that really what you think?" she whispered, her voice cracking.

"I loved him. And if there was anything, anything, that could bring him back, I'd take it. So screw you. Screw you all." she said, as she closed her umbrella and ran back inside, sobbing.

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