Chapter 15

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I ran toward the Icarus theater to see Klaus buying something from a food truck. Ben was leaning on a pole next to him. I ran towards them. 

"Hey guys, where are the others?" I asked. Klaus pointed at the theater, some sauce staining his mouth. 

"Those assholes made me stand guard.  I mean, who even does that anymore?" he said angrily, his mouth full. Just then, we saw a Cha-Cha coming our way. She was bleeding, and she walked with a limp. We hid behind a car and watched as she walked up to a phone and started dialing. 

I turned to look around and saw a bunch more of the masked gunmen running into the theater. 

"Oh no, guys," I said, tapping Klaus on the shoulder. They followed my gaze and saw the shooters running inside. 

"Oh shit." muttered Klaus. He threw his food aside and all of us ran into the theater. 

Our siblings were crouched in the seats, while Vanya, who was now dressed in white and holding a white violin, continued playing loudly, white waves pulsing through the auditorium. I ducked down and ran over rolled behind one of the seats. I saw Klaus standing there, straining. 

"What's he doing?" I heard one of my sibling ask. I stared in confusion as his hands started to glow blue, Ben starting to becoming blue and transparent. And by the eyes of my siblings, they could see him too. He threw open his arms as his tentacles burst out, killing the gunmen one by one. They screamed and was thrown around the auditorium. One landed right beside me with a sickening thud. I grimaced. I didn't miss that

Once all the men were gone, Ben faded back into his normal color. I could see from his pained expression that it had exhausted him. Klaus fell onto his knees, his fists stopped glowing. The only problem now was Vanya, who kept playing. All of us gathered together in the middle. Diego came running back, a few more cuts littered his face. 

"Oh, welcome back, where were you?" asked Luther. 

"Honoring a memory." Diego gasped out. "So, how do you want to end this thing?"

"We surround her, all right? We come at her from all angles." Luther said. 

"So basically a suicide mission," I concluded. 

"Yes, but one of us could get through. It's the only chance we got," Five said. 

"Are we all in?" asked Luther. We all nodded. 

"All right, Diego, stage left. I'll take stage right. You guys take front." He commanded. I ran to somewhere in the theater, settling in a spot between a few seats, closer to the middle. 

"Now!" I heard Luther shout. All of us ran forward. A powerful force pushed me back, then I was held in the air, a light sucking all my energy. It felt like a fire was burning inside me, the flames eating me out from the inside. It hurt like hell. No, no, it hurt worse than hell. I gasped for air, as I can feel the life slowly draining out of me. My ears were ringing, and my head felt woozy. 

Suddenly, a gunshot rang through the area, and I dropped to the ground, landing with a grunt. I saw a bright red light shooting out into the sky, and I lay there, the ai knocked out of me. I struggled to breathe. 

I stood up, my legs wobbly, and I walked over to my siblings, still panting and out of breath. Vanya lay on the floor, her violin at her side, and Allison holding a gun, sobbing. 

"Is she alive?" I asked, my voice hoarse. She nodded weakly. 

"Oh, thank God," exclaimed Klaus. 

"We did it, we saved the world," sighed Luther happily. 

We all sighed in relief and caught our breaths. 

"Um, guys?" Klaus' worried tone broke the peaceful silence. "Do you see that big moon rock coming towards us?"

I looked up in horror to see a big gray rock falling towards us through the hole in the ceiling. 

"That's not good," Luther mumbled. 

"So this is it, huh? So much for saving the world," Klaus said dejectedly. 

"If only Sir Reginald could see us now. The Umbrella Academy: A total failure." Diego said. 

"At least we're together at the end, as a family." Luther said. 

"This doesn't have to be the end," Five interrupted. 

"What? What are you saying?" I asked.

"I think I have a way out of here, but you gotta trust me on this." Five continued. All of us shook our heads and disagreed. 

"Oh, hell no." I said, shaking my head. 

"Well then, we might as well accept our fate, because in less than a minute, we're all gonna be vaporized." he said. 

"What's your idea then?" asked Diego, looking at him. 

"We use my ability to time travel, but this time, I'll take you with me." Five explained. 

"You can do that?" I said, perking up in interest. 

"I don't know, I've never tried," Five said, sighing. 

"Well, what's the worse that can happen?" Diego asks. 

"You're looking at it: A 58-year-old man inside a child's body, so there's that." Five says. 

"Oh what the hell, I'm in." Diego said. 

"Yeah, whatever, I'm in." Klaus said, still looking at the moon rock. 

"Me too. Allison?" Luther said, looking at her. She nodded. Everyone turned to me. 

"Well, I don't really have a choice now, do I?" I grumbled. 

"Luther, grab Vanya." Five instructed. 

"Wait, should we be taking her? I mean, if she's the cause of the apocalypse, isn't that like taking the bomb with us?" Luther asked. He's got a point. 

"The apocalypse will always happen and Vanya will always be the cause--" Five starts. 

"--Unless we take her with us and fix her!" I finished, realizing.

"Everyone grab hands." Five said. I clasped my hands with Diego and Klaus, as Five starts creating a giant portal, it glowed and swirled dangerously. 

"It's working!" Luther shouted above the noise. 

"Hold on! It's gonna get messy!" Five yelled. 

Then it was darkness. 

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