Chapter 11

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I sat at the back of a rusty old car with Luther and Five, currently questioning my life choices. Five was ranting on and on about his own personal problems, while Luther just nodded along. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Five spoke. 

"They're here."

All three of us stepped out of the car, Luther clutching the briefcase, me leaning on the side of the car, and Five walking across the street to meet them. Hazel and Cha Cha climbed out of their own car and headed toward Five, masks still on. I glowered at them, my hand gripped tightly at the guitar that I had slung on my back before I met up with my brothers. 

"Don't worry. Calm down. Five's got a plan."

I yanked his collar so his face was down on my level. I leaned my face close to his so our noses were almost touching. 

"Hey! Never tell a woman to calm down!" I screamed in his face. 

"I'm sor-"

"Say it with me! Never tell a woman to calm down!"

"Never tell a woman to calm down." he repeated after me. 

"Good," I released him, before turning back to Five. They talked, before Five pointed a hand back at us, gesturing to Luther. The two assassins looked at us in fear, before turning their attention back on Five. 

"I swear, one day, Five's gonna get us all killed with his shenanigans," I muttered, looking at the empty field around us. I noticed Hazel nod, then Cha-Cha walked over to a near-by telephone and started calling someone. I narrowed my eyes, wondering who she was calling. 

Just then, I heard the soft melody of the ice cream truck. I turned around and stared in horror at Klaus, who was waving at us, through the driver's window. Ben was sitting on the dashboard, while Diego was sitting in shotgun, his knives strapped onto his chest. 

Five's face clenched in anger, while Luther stared, his eyes wide. My jaw dropped into a perfect "O" shape. 

"Wheee!" I heard Ben yell. I grinned at him, catching his gaze, then I turned back and saw a bullet going straight for my face. I closed my eyes and braced for impact. But nothing happened. I looked around to see the bullet gone, Hazel and Cha-Cha crawling around the ground, and Five nowhere to be seen. 

"Get in!" yelled Luther. All of us piled into my car, and Luther started the engine. I leaned in the backseat, facing Hazel and Cha-Cha. Both me and Klaus gave them the finger, before the car roared, and sped off down the street. 


I laid my head on Ben's shoulder. He was reading some book. I wasn't really paying attention. I stared at him. 

"Y/N, I know you're staring at me," he said, his eyes not once leaving his book. 

"I know. I just like having you back," I said. 

"It is a miracle you can touch me. Klaus could never do it."

I sighed heavily. 

"What?" he asked, putting his book down. It disappeared. I blinked. 

"Well, Vanya and I got into a fight. A big one. She hates me now," I said, a tear slowly rolling down my cheek. 

"What did she say?" he asked, wiping it away. 

"It doesn't matter, it's not important. I think I just made her unwelcome. We both said some hurtful things to each other."

"Look, Y/N. We're siblings. We fight, we say hurt each other, whether it's accidentally or not. But we're still family. We could never hate each other."

"Do you say that only because you put up with Klaus every day?" I asked, sniffling.

"Yes, partly." he laughed. We stayed there and talked for the rest of the afternoon. 


I was holding my guitar over my abdomen, playing a soft melody, when I suddenly heard a crash downstairs. I hurried down to see Five hugging a smoking briefcase on top of the bar, the rest of the family scattered throughout the living room. 

"Who did this?" Luther asked

"Irrelevant," answered Five. 

"Oh God, why?!" I murmured, slapping my hand against my forehead. After a whole lot of yelling, Five finally dropped the bomb. 

The apocalypse is in three days, and the only people who can stop it, are well, us."

"The Umbrella Academy," Luther stated. 

"Ah, yes, the fucked up Umbrella Academy," I finished. 

"I know who's responsible for the apocalypse," said Five, pulling out a paper. 

"Harold Jenkins?" Allison read. 

"Who the hell's Harold Jenkins?" Diego asked.

Five drank the rest of his coffee and flung the empty cup into the couches behind him.

"I don't know... yet. But I do know he's responsible for the apocalypse. 

"And we have to find him. We have to find him now."

"Wait, so you know his name? That's it?" Diego asked. 

"That's enough," Five said, exasperated. 

"There's probably a bunch of Harold Jenkins's in this city," said Diego. Five shot him a look. 

"He does got a point, y'know?" I butted in. 

"Well then, we better start looking." Five said, glancing around us. 

He answered all our questions, while managing to annoy us with his snarky comments at the same time. Typical Five Hargreeves. 

Well, the world needs saving. Just once, just once, why couldn't this universe just have peace?

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