Chapter 15

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I leaned against the wall, staring at Vanya, pounding her tiny fists uselessly against the chamber Dad used to lock me in too. Apparently, Luther was so drunk on revenge that he trapped Vanya in there because she was the cause of the apocalypse. She killed Harold Jenkins, who was also that Leonard guy. Turns out my darling brothers did a lot of mischief I was certainly not aware of. 

"Luther, we gotta let her go, she's our sister," I tried reasoning with the monkey man. 

"No, Y/N, you guys don't understand. She's the cause of the apocalypse," he said. 

"Vanya? The Vanya who cried when we stepped on ants as kids?" asked Klaus. Actually, for once in his life, Klaus was probably right. 

"Gotta agree with druggy, something's just not right," I said, still looking at Vanya. She looked as if she was about to have a mental breakdown. Just then, Allison rushed down, carrying a notepad and a marker. After multiple papers and reasoning with Luther, she lunged forward, but Luther held her back. Allison hit him over and over again until eventually, she stopped struggling and left. 

I said nothing, then walked up the stairs to Klaus' room. I sat on his bed, Ben appearing next to me. 

"Hard day?" he asked. 

"Yup." I said, still trying to wrap my head around all the information my brain processed. 

"You're always so good at that. Keeping your feelings to yourself. I mean no one can ever tell what you're feeling, or when you're lying, or when you're high. I mean, I'm so jealous!" Klaus said, toppling on his bed next to me. 

We laid there in silence for a while. I might've fallen asleep. But I woke up to a loud boom. Plaster bits fell from the ceiling. I shook Klaus awake. 

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked. He woke up, blinking his eyes rapidly. Ben walked through the wall. 

"Guys, we got to go. Vanya's escaped and all hell's broken loose. She's destroying the academy. We've got to get out. Now!" 

We ran through the crumbling mansion, Diego came running from another hall, he suddenly tripped and was about to be crushed by a piece of the ceiling, but Ben pulled him out of the way in time. I kept running, not looking back. I saw Vanya striding through the living room towards Pogo. I wanted to stop her, to talk some sense into her. 

No time, Y/N. Keep running!

I burst through the academy doors, just in time to see the rest of my siblings file out behind me. I saw Mom waving at us through one of the windows. 

"No, Mom! Get out of there!" I screamed. She just waved again, smiling sadly, before the mansion crashed, fires burning, and Vanya nowhere in sight. 

Five suddenly ran into view, holding a crumpled newspaper.

"Guys! The apocalypse is still on, the world ends today." he said. 

"I thought you said it was over," Luther said. 

"I was wrong, okay? This newspaper, I found it in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed," Five said, holding up the newspaper for us to see. 

"No, that doesn't mean anything. Time could've altered since the newspaper came out this morning," Diego says, frustrated. 

"You're not listening to me. When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here we are: the moon's still shining, the Earth is in one piece, but not the academy." he said. 

"I'm confused," said Klaus looking at the newspaper. He had a cut running along his forehead. 

"Then listen to me, you idiot!" Five exclaims. "Vanya destroys the academy before the apocalypse. I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, but he's the fuse. Vanya's the bomb. Vanya causes the apocalypse!"

"We have to find her, fast. And we gotta go, now!" I said. 

"Regroup at the Superstar, go!" Luther shouts.

I ran down the street, blinking tears from eyes, and never looked back. 

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