Chapter 1. Two Club Presidents.

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Thursday [8:20.]
Before school.

Today was an average day. "..Five more minutes..." Sayori groaned as she was asleep in bed. Then she rolled around to check her alarm clock. Then ended up realizing that she overslept as always. She got up.

"WAH! I OVERSLEPT AGAIN!" She hurried to grab her phone and go into the closet to change into her school uniform and start her morning routine from racing to the bathroom, brushing her teeth, and going downstairs.

"Frick, frick, frick, frick, frick, frick, frick, frick, frick.." As she paces down each step, and goes to the kitchen. She grabs a butter knife from the drawer, her favorite strawberry jam, and a slice of bread. She would open the jar and instantly spread it around the bread with the knife and throw the knife in the sink and close the lid on the jam. And she quickly took a bite and kept on running. Then she would grab her school bag on the coat hanger, put on her shoes, and open the front door of her house to the gates.

And that's when she ended up walking to school and running as fast as she could with no hesitation at all. Luckily she was about to make it in time since it's an 8 minute run from her home to school. As she arrived, everyone was about to leave the lockers. She immediately got her things in her locker and met up with her childhood best friend, MC.

"Heyyyy!" As she finished her strawberry jam bread. MC turned around to her. "Overslept again?" He raised a brow. Sayori chuckled. "Ehehe.. Maybe. But that doesn't matter because now I'm here!" She smiled. "Yeah, yeah. Almost about a minute until you showed up." MC turned away. "Hey! At least I was on time!" Sayori pouted. "Meanie.." She followed him to the classroom. But accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ah! S-sorry! Here let me get that." Sayori apologized to the person she bumped into. Then they heard a sudden familiar laugh. "It's fine. I can handle it." It was Monika.. President of the Literature Club, a very popular top student, and also a very athletic person.. Sayori froze when she looked at her. And then she made a move. "O-Oh! Monika! I mean- are you sure?.." Then Monika nodded at her. "Thanks for asking tho." She grabbed her school supplies and walked away. Sayori got up and slowly walked to the classroom. She turned to Monika, swooningly smiled and glanced away.

..However she was overhearing a conversation as she sat down at her desk.

"Is it just me, or does Monika act all weird when MC's around?" A random student said.

"Oh please, it's obvious that they were in love even though they talk a little bit since last year!"  Says a random student too.

Sayori went dead silent, staring at the desk.. She overthinks to herself that she might not be good for her. Not a single bit. She might not even ask her out properly..


Sayori slumps down on the table next to Natsuki and Yuri, her friends after Monika and MC. The two were together a few months ago after they met at the Literature Club.

"Woah, you good Say?" Natsuki asked. Sayori sighed.

"I don't know.. I feel different, like I wasn't feeling like this before school!.. I can't sleep well, and everytime I write my poems I just felt like I had to threw them away and restart a different one.. Also my heart was rising when I see Monika.."

"Woah, that must've been hard for you my dude."

"Maybe it's because you might have a crush on Monika." Yuri told her.

"W-What?! Haha.. N-No! I mean-.. I know having a crush is normal but like M-Monika? Ahahahaha!—" Sayori was hesitating very badly.

"Come on, Yuri and I already saw everything between you two. You should start asking her out already!" Natsuki claims.

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