Chapter 6. Looking Out

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[8:30] School

Sayori has her stuff and is on her way to her class. Apparently she seems to be a little, odder. Than usual. While she was on her way, she bumped into a random student. "Ah!— S-Sorry!.." She apologized. With that, she's not sure when Monika's gonna be back.. Or maybe she just came in a little early? Who cares. She remembered her saying that she'll be back for today this morning.. But she's not sure if that's actually true or not. While she's on her way back to her homeroom, nobody familiar was nearby, except for MC since they're still both in the same homeroom.

While she's still in class, she still questions to herself about Monika. Was she at study hall? Was she doing something else? Who knows. One time she used to write a poem for Monika and then threw it in the trash from a lack of confidence and a high amount of embarrassment.


Sayori has her lunch box in her hand, walking towards to her friends to sit at lunch.
"Hey guys.." She didn't wave at them.
"Sayori?.." Natsuki curiously looked at her. "You alright?.. You seem a little sad today."
Sayori sighed, her mood expression changed. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine! See?" She'd then start to smile as usual.
"Natsuki's right, you're acting unusual." Yuri softly spoken. "..Was it about Monika?" As Yuri questions, Sayori's mood changes back to slightly miserable. "..Yeah.." Sayori frowned.
"It's just.. I couldn't stop thinking about her, seriously. I've been trying ways to ask her but I just.. Can't." Sayori pulls out an onigiri from her box and takes a bite. "Can't you at least ask her immediately?" Natsuki suggested thinking that it was a good idea. Sayori swallows. "But I don't know where she's at. Is she even here?" She started looking around. "She is here. It's just that she got in early." Yuri started taking a sip of tea from home. "Ah, I guess that kinda explains." She still gave everyone that long face. "I should probably stop looking out for her.. Seriously, it's like my heart aches more. I'll ask her sometime later okay?.."

Natsuki sighs. "Fine.. But you better tell her sooner!" Yuri would then pat Natsuki's back. "Well, you don't have to, but if you're comfortable, then yes." The two girlfriends started to try their best to help Sayori.

Then the bell rings.

A couple of hours later...

[2:59] After School

Apparently Sayori was the only one in the clubroom now. She's trying to wait for the others. With her new poem in her hand. But as she was waiting, she starts to space off for a little while. Drifting slowly...

And Slowly...

..And slowly..

...And slowly..


..She started to close her eyes, dreaming about her...



The one who she wanted to care, but couldn't..

The one who she had by her side..

The one who she trusted in the most..

The one who she got her first kiss..






A sudden voice appears, making Sayori immediately wake up, and standing up taller than before.

"EEP! Hello?!" She started to turn rapidly.

"Woah, woah, it's me!.." It was MC..

"Oh, heh, s-sorry ehehe.." She awkwardly chuckled at him.

"C'mon, you told me this isn't the napping club." He was right, she did once say that when he joined the club.

"Hey.. I didn't mean to! I was just in the middle of the club all by myself!" She pouts.

"Sure.." He would start to sit to the nearest desk next to Sayori.

Then the door swung open, as Yuri and Natsuki walk into the room, holding hands.

"We're here!" Natsuki confidently told the gang.

"Oh! Hey again." Sayori waved at them.  MC did the same thing too. The two decided to sat down at their desks, and then chat for a while. MC was staring off into something else, leaving Sayori all by herself.

I guess I was chosen to be all by myself, huh?

She thought to herself. It also seems that Monika is not here... Is she late?... Did she have to leave early?... Wait... There's no way she can be late, right?...




..Right?.. Sighing, she would take out her poem that was in her bag early. Staring at the lines she wrote on the page..



The cool breeze starts to direct the trees, I start trying to lay myself to sleep.
Watching the leaves let go, just like what bees do.
But for some reason I couldn't sleep, I was thinking myself about why.
That was until when the butterflies flew toward me.
Color by color, wing by wing; It's like I'm staring at a painting.
Just a free illusion of reality, sending me to a new world of life.
I can't believe how beautiful it is.
I can't believe that this actually happened.
I can't believe I just wanted to stay here.
Wishing that I could stay with someone.

Maybe I should throw it away...


Actually no... Actually—...




"...I don't know.." She whispered to herself, gripping the poem slowly.

Then she started to hear Natsuki and Yuri's conversation fading off to this.

"..Speaking of Monika.. Where is she?" Natsuki turns around to look for a sign.

Yuri started to shrug her shoulders. "She didn't told us that there's something making her late." She then placed a bookmark on her favorite book, "The Portrait Of Markov", and closes it.

"Wait a second..." Natsuki turns to Sayori, glaring..

"...W-What?" Sayori seems terrified by her. Natsuki then gently slams her hands on Sayori's desk.

"Is there any chance she said she has... Y'know..."

"...Has a boyfriend?.."

"...No? I don't think she did." Sayori answers.


"Yea, really."

"Hm... Well I guess that's not the case.." Natsuki would stop staring and let go.

"Then what if she's in trouble!" Natsuki places her fist on her hand.

"I don't think she would be hurt. There's no violence in our school anyway." Yuri made a statement.

"Well what if she went to somewhere else without telling?"

"I don't think that's possible either.."

"Well what if she!—-"

The front door of the clubroom swung open gently but quick.

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