Chapter 4. The Apology.

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TW: Probably some Swearing.


Monika's P.O.V.

Knock knock..

The front door was knocked.. I wonder who it could be..

Knock knock..

"Coming..?" I went downstairs. Apparently nobody's here.. Except for the knocking noise...

Knock knock..

Who could possibly knock at this kind of hour?.. Besides, it is raining so.. I don't think it's the mailman.. Or maybe it's Natsuki.. Or perhaps Yuri..? The door kept on knocking..

Knock knock..

..I slowly opened the door as it creaked..

"..Hello..?" I took a peek.. Wait a second.. "Ah!—"


It's Sayori.. Apparently she didn't put on her hood which made her hair a little wet.. Also her clothes are kinda saturated too.. She's also panting like she's exhausted or something.. Was she in a rush again?.. I didn't expect her to show up already.. Which made me think why she wanted to..

"Uh.." She looked away at me.. Then she would awkwardly smile.

"..Hey again.. Monika.." She started to wave at me.

I felt my heart pounding like crazy. I can't stand to bear looking at her.. Shit.. She just looks so.. So... Sigh. I don't know.. What am I waiting for?.. I should let her in.

"Oh!.. Sayori.. Uhm.. Y-You can come in." I politely welcomed her.

"Okay! Thanks Monika.." Her tone was bright.. But also off.. She went inside, and I locked the door. Sayori would then take off her shoes.

"I honestly didn't expect you to be here.. You know you should've texted me something.. Ahah.."

"I know, that's mostly because I kinda wanna talk to you in-person."

"Really..Is that so?.."

"Yep." She answered.

It became silent.. I started to stare at her.. It's like my eyes are focused on Sayori.. As the world slowly turns into black.. It's like she's just.. So pure to me. I don't know why but.. I felt it deep inside..

"So.. How did you come here? Did you use a bike? Or.."

"Oh no, it's easy, I just ran from my house to here."

Ran?! Man, then she must've been a really good runner. I wonder if she joined track and field...

"I see.." I guess it kinda makes sense why she looks exhausted.

"Do you wanna come upstairs..? I'll make some tea if you want to.."

"Sure!.. But.. No thanks. I'm fine without tea eheh.." ..Something's definitely off about her.. We both went upstairs. Then we went into my room.

"Woah.. Your room is cleaner than mine!.." Sayori commented.

"Yeah, it's always been like that." I slowly shut the door. Then she started to take off her hoodie and place it on my bed. Looking sorrowful. The atmosphere changed a little gloomier.

"..Sayori?.." I look at her with a worried face..

"...I'm so fucking stupid.." Her voice started to change..

"I—.. I just.. Can't even stand to think.." She gripped her fists.

"Sayori I—.."

"I'm sorry.." She... Was apologizing to me?..

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