Chapter 7. I Need Advice.

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The door shows a shadowy figure, starting to fade away into something colorful, from shoes all the way to the top of the hair, as it turns out. It was Monika all along. She was panting lightly like she just ran a marathon or something.

"I'm sorry I was late you guys.. I had something I needed to do I—"

"Monika! What took you so long?!" Natsuki got up.

"Sorry, the last period I had was for study hall.."

"But couldn't you at least hear the bell rang before study hall?" Yuri kept track on the school schedule.

"Ah, I must've not heard it while I was practicing piano." Monika awkwardly chuckled.

"..Piano? I wasn't aware you played music as well, Monika." Yuri was impressed

"Now that's interesting. Is it your first time or something?" Natsuki widens her brows.

"Actually, yeah. And I'm working on a song."

"Really? Is it okay if you can show it to us right now?" Natsuki was amazed.

"Well you see—..." Monika paused. Then looked at Sayori, who didn't look back. Ever since she started coming in. Then she started to stare back at the others. "...Maybe in the meantime once I'm entirely done with it. But for now I can't."

"Aw dang, aight then." Natsuki starts to head out.

"In any case, best of luck." MC gave a thumbs up to Monika, as she smiled softly.

"Ahah-.. Thanks!~" Monika replied.

"So, I didn't miss anything.. Did I?.." Monika turns.

"No? Not at all." Sayori's tone started to lower down for a bit.

"Phew!..." Monika sighed in relief.

"Uhm.. I'll be back, you guys can do whatever you want. M'kay?" Monika commanded everyone. Making them nod, then act like they don't seem to be bothered. Monika starts to approach to Sayori slowly, her heart bursting each time she took a step close.. But Sayori didn't saw it. She didn't even look at her. Once she starts to go to her desk, both Monika and Sayori's eyes finally met. "O-Oh! Hi.. Monika.." Sayori started to beam as usual. "Hey, can we step out the club for a bit?.. Maybe go to the restroom..?" Monika starts to blush a bit harder than earlier. "Uh.. Sure? I guess?" Sayori stood up. The girls start to walk to the exit to the room, going down from the hallway to the girl's bathroom. "Wait, Monika, we didn't share our poems to the others yet! What if we didn't have the chance?" Sayori nervously questioned. "Well... I don't know... Besides I-I don't think they'll notice anyway." Monika exclaimed to her.

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yes I am sure."

..The bathroom was quiet, the two girls were standing there. Monika started to look down.


"Just.. Don't think about saying anything." She cuts her off. Sayori muted.

"...I'm sorry if that sounded a bit harsh of me.." Monika turned away.

"We're...S-Still friends.. Right?.." She hesitates with the question..

"...Friends?.. Of course!... I understand that completely.. Even since I joined the club! What makes you think of that, silly?" Sayori's tone started to change from something a bit more sappy. Still beaming of joy..


"..I need your help. On something.." Monika starts to get more nervous..
"And.. I was wondering if I can get your advice.." Her goosebumps appear like an electric shock wave. "Advice? Like what exactly, Moni?" Sayori paused when she said that. "I-I mean M-Monika! I didn't mean to call you by a nick name I'm sorry!—" Both girls were blushing as red as strawberries and cherries mixed together. "N-N-No! It's okay Sayori!.. Ahah.. I...—" She tried finding a way to compliment the name.. "..It.. Sounds nice actually.." Monika tried not to smile like an idiot. "..Really?.. B-But I think 'Moni' sounded a bit.. Cheesy.." Sayori turned away. "Well, that. But it kinda gives a little kick to it you know? 'Moni'.." Monika looks away. "I-.. Uh.. Yeah.. I guess it does.." Sayori scratches her back. "Also you're welcome to call me different names. As long as you're comfortable with it!" Monika gave her consent to calling names too. "Ehehe... Kay'.. But you're gonna have to call me names too to make it even!" Sayori smirks, making her stop blushing.. "Ahaha.. Alright.. Whatever you say, 'Ri-Ri'." Monika called Sayori a nickname. Making both names balance now. Sayori started to squeal of joy after hearing her say that. "Is something wrong..?" Monika seems peculiar. "Ehehe.. Noo~.." Sayori said teasingly. They both started to laugh. "S-Sorry that was a bit off topic, anyways, you were saying?" Sayori started to smile. "Yeah!.." Monika started to stare between Sayori and her ocean eyes. "...Apparently.." Monika starts to cross her arms.

"T-There's this girl I used to like, ok? She may be a bit messy and strange at some times but.. I didn't care about those things.. They supported everyone at her school, which is one thing I really REALLY love about her. I just.. Don't know where to start asking her out right away.."

Sayori's eyes widened, she couldn't tell if she's supportive or heartbroken already.. Instead, she just gave her a weak smile and look at her.

"You should ask her right away!.. I'm sure she would say yes.. Y'know?.." She was in some pretty mixed signals right now. Monika started to blush more and more. "But what if they freak out?.. I don't want them to think that.."

"Oh don't worry, I'm sure it'll be fine, ok? Here, I'll let you practice for a bit." Sayori started to rest her hand on Monika's shoulder.

"..Alright then..." Monika started to close their eyes and took a deep breath.. She would then start to open and look at Sayori.. The one who SHE still had a crush for..

"Hey... I love you..." Monika felt butterflies of her stomach as she felt that..

Sayori's expression started to be surprising. Still thinking that it's not her... She'd then pretend that it's wasn't for her even though it WAS supposed to be for her.

"..Yeah! Just like that!" Sayori supported the idea of her "practice" confession.

As Monika on the other hand with her thoughts went.... "Holy fucking shit"... Thinking she was certainly oblivious to any attention she sees.

"..You know what, never mind.. Maybe later.." Monika walks away.

"But Monika!—"

"I'll ask later, okay?.. But thanks for the advice.." She turns to her.

"Uh.. No problem?" Sayori was confused.

"T-That's what friends do!... Eheh.." She had several mood swings after that. But at the same time, she felt so.. Weak for her. As the girls start to head off back to the clubroom again. It started going back to the normal, usual, club activities as always.. However, there's something a bit odd when they shared poems to each other. That is, Sayori didn't shared their poem to Monika.

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