Chapter 8. Promise

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note: hiya! it's me again. just note that some of the doki's usernames for group chatting are changed. here are the new users below! thank you

Monika - lilmonix3 (named after her twitter acc!)

Yuri - (same thing as last time)

Sayori - (also same)

Natsuki - Suki_Parfait


Something was very off.. Especially when it's for Sayori and Monika...

Sayori was still cheering for the club members as usual, but she didn't cheer herself up. Even Monika too.. Speaking of her..

Monika felt like an absolute sore loser as the club president, it's like she was begging on her knees to her vice president.
A couple of minutes after the club meeting..

Crickets start chirping, almost all of the students decided to leave already, leaving the room peacefully silent. Natsuki and Yuri decided to walk together. Sayori letted MC go without her... Leaving just two members of the Literature Club... They didn't start to talk to each other until one began to start the conversation..


"Hey Monika?.."

"Hm? Yes Sayori?" Monika turns to her.
"...Is it okay if we can still.. Talk?.."
"Did MC leave you again?"

The locker room was empty, it was only Sayori and Monika. They decided to get their stuff and leave the school. They'd then start walking through apartment by apartment. While they were walking.. Sayori's eyes was focused on Monika, she was like her eye-candy to her.. A prescription drug.. And somewhat...mesmerizing? Wait no- hypnotizing.

"So... What's on your mind?"

"You see.." Sayori grips on the straps of her backpack.

"About that.. Girl... You were talking about earlier... Does she even go to this school?.."

"She does... It's just that we used to talk to each other often.. Until everything started to change after a few months.."

"Really?... Hah... I must've been jealous..."


"Well I mean-.. It's kinda understandable.. Like you can do anything I can never do.. Which catches everyone at school's attention because you were this amazing and..."

Monika scoffs. "No way! It's not like I'm THAT popular.."

"Come on, you're that popular than anyone else!.." Sayori nudges Monika's arm. They both stopped.

"Well, If I was that popular, and so many people showed up, I might feel bad because it'll keep me away from you guys..."

"Is that so?.." Sayori relaxes herself. Monika nods.

"Speaking of which.. You guys are my best friends.. Sometimes there are things I can do, but also couldn't. Like you, for example.." Monika beams.

Sayori's heart starts to flutter more. "Me?.. Wow... Hah.. Thank you..."

Sayori's P.O.V.

She looks just like a dream... I couldn't believe she would call me Ri-Ri... But I feel like Moni was way more cheesier than that... And she looks a bit too... Uncomfortable.. Was it the name I called her?.. Was it that she refused to share our poems together? Or was it....
Was it me?...

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