Chapter 5. Friends?

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Author's Note: hi y'all! just note that i'm gonna be a little busy and take a few more months to make more chapters, so here's a few chapters to boost this fanfic! enjoy.

Two days later after the apology..

Monday [7:50]
At Sayori's house..

It's quiet.. Sayori was still hugging Mr. Cow, her cow plush. Then rolled around the bed until..

"..Mmm... WAH!—" ..She fell off her bed, laying down at the floor now.

"Owww..." She groaned in pain. She would then stand up to look at the time on her alarm clock. Turns out she's early.

"Huh, I must've slept in time. Oh well!"

She would grab her cow plush and place it on her bed. Then start to grab her school uniform from her closet to change. She would then start her daily routine. Brushing her teeth, fixing her hair... She'd downstairs to get breakfast, but before she could do that, she would open the cabinet to get the meds from her therapist, with a water bottle in her hand, consuming two pills, instantly took a drink of water, and put the meds back. And leaving her house water bottle behind. She pulls out a carton of milk from the fridge, and a box of her favorite cereal by the cabinet. Plus a clean bowl. She'd start to open the carton to put the milk first, and puts it down, then opens the box to pour the cereal. After pouring she would return all the items and grabs a spoon to scoop it up with. She would then carry the cereal all the way to her living room. Sitting down, turning on the T.V with her remote. It was showing the news. She started sighing. She would switch the channel into something else, but found nothing interesting to watch.
"Now that's not good.." She commented as she munched on her cereal. Her phone started to buzz to her ringtone. She grabbed it out of her pocket to see. It was a message from Monika. Panicking, she read it instantly.

MonithePianist: Hey again. Can you tell everyone that today's meeting has been cancelled? I'm not feeling well right now..

"Huh.. Well I guess that makes sense about why.." She would start to text her back.

sayobun!: awww man! okay. :( hope you're feeling better!

MonithePianist is typing..

Alright! Tysm. ^v^💕

Sayori's eyes were opened widley when she saw her use a heart emoji. It's kinda cute.. She thought.

sayobun! is typing

mhm! np! :D

Sighing, Sayori would keep on eating her cereal.

[3:50] After School.

"Ugh- I can't believe she had to cancel the meeting!" Natsuki pouts as always.

"Come on Natsuki.. It's okay! Besides, we still have more meetings ahead." Yuri tries to support her

"Look I know but—" She looks at Sayori, who's walking with MC. Talking to them.

"...Hm?" Yuri looks at curiosity.

"..Hey Sayori?" Sayori would then look at Natsuki.

"What is it?"

"..Have you seen Monika?" Natsuki questioned. MC starts to head off.

"Well, she said she wasn't feeling well, so I suppose she's at home?.."

"..." Yuri blanked.

"Oh... Well I guess that makes sense." Natsuki smirked.

"..What do you mean?" Sayori raised an eyebrow.

"..She's probably thinking about you." Yuri starts to talk. Sayori would feel her face warmed up, and blushing as red as a strawberry.

"No, no.. Guys I don't think Monika is into me! S-She's probably into someone else! Ehehe..Heh.." Sayori stumbles upon the two of them.

"Are you sure about that though..?"

"Y-Yeah! Certainly.."

"..Come on! She's definitely calling out for you." Natsuki pats her shoulder.

"..WE SHOULD GO NOW!..." Sayori shouted, the two of them started to be silent.

"Jeez.. Okay! I was just trying to give you advice." Natsuki letted go.

"I'm sorry.." Sayori apologized "I don't know what's gotten into me."

"It's alright, just make sure you try and take a few breaths, okay?" Yuri advised her.

"Yeah.." the girls started to head off, Sayori started to run towards MC. "Oh, you're back again. Were you guys talking about Monika?" MC turned to see Sayori.

"Mhm.. I'm quite worried about her.." They started walking together out of school.

"Well, aren't we all." As they were walking, they were on their way back to their homes, their conversation drifted off.

[9:10] Sayori's House

Back at Sayori's house, in her room upstairs, it's been hours."..Maybe I should stop thinking about her.. No.. Well-.." She talks to herself.. "..What do you think, Mr. Cow?" She would grab her cow plush, trying to ventriloquy the plush itself. "You should probably not! Besides, you do love her, right?" Says Sayori being Mr Cow. She would sigh.

"I don't know.. Just look at me!.. I'm a total mess. How could a person like her meet someone like me?.. And it's not just looks, But even my personality!.."

"Wait!.. But what do you think her as, is the question?" Sayori blanked out after Mr. Cow said that.



Sayori had a moment to think.

"..I-I think of her as a friend!.. Ok?.."

"..Friend? But what about the kiss?!" Mr. Cow stood up.

"Look, that kiss was unimportant! I know she apologized me but I'm sure she sees us as friends!.."

"Do you think more than one kiss counts as friends?"

"..Y-Yea? D-Definitely!"

"C'mon Sayori.. I can tell by your face, even Mister Duck sees it from far away!.."

"Oh please, that's not true!.. Right?.." She would then grab her duck plushie. Pretending to be him.

"I agree with Mr. Cow. You are madly in love with her." Mr Duck said, Sayori scoffs.

"The reason why she's only my friend is because I didn't wanna waste her time caring for me. And, who needs a partner anyway? I'm fine with myself."

"Uh-huh.." Sayori would move Mr Cow's arm like he's thinking.

"Well, suit yourself then." Sayori places both of her plushies down. Then started to lay down, sighing.. She'd then start to drift off back to sleep.

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