Chapter 9. Plan A.

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Sayori's House

"Okay everyone! You guys know the drill." Sayori was holding a marker next to her whiteboard, apparently she uses it to set her plans from asking out her crush.  And of course Natsuki and Yuri contributed to the idea.

"We have two days until the festival starts, which means we still got more time!"

"Yuri, you take the look out from where the food trucks are at, as Natsuki looks out from the games. Be sure to use the binoculars." Sayori starts drawing her directions for Yuri and Natsuki.

"If there is a situation for the plan then turn on the walkie-talkie and give me your signal."

Yuri and Natsuki kept listening to the idea.

"After 15 minutes, you guys will meet each other at the fountain. Once it's dark and the lanterns appear, I'll take her to the rooftop where we can watch! I might sing her a song once we're there!"

Sayori keeps on detailing the plan by drawing it on the board.

"And then i'll confess my feelings to her!.. Actually wait.. Maybe scratch the song part. I don't think I can sing.." She erases some ideas for the planning.

Sayori felt so determined with this plan, that she think it'll work.

"So you want the scenery to be filled with lights under the dark?" Yuri questioned.

"Yeah! Besides, a ton of people say I'm too cheesy... But it has gotta be breathtaking.. That way, it makes it very romantic and real!"

"Cheesy? Then you should've asked my advice dummy!" Natsuki is an expert at not being cheesy to her loved ones.

"Eheh.. I was about before but forgot.. Sorry Natsuki!" Sayori scratches the back of her hair. Natsuki pouts.


2 days later after planning, and coming up with multiple ideas for Sayori's confession.

[2:00 PM]
School Festival.

The school festival was filled with many visitors, students, balloons, and clubs. It was filled with happiness all around the campus. Sayori was holding a ginger cat plushie she bought in her hands, which is the only gift she could give to Monika since she tried to save up the rest of her money. All alone and sitting at the fountain, Sayori gave a sigh and putted the plushie in her bag.

"Why is she taking so long? Please don't tell me she had other things to do.." Sayori thought to herself.

10 minutes later, Monika didn't show up.

20 minutes later, Monika didn't show up.

30 minutes later,... Sadly there's nothing..

Sayori had no choice but to fall asleep until..


She then heard a beeping noise from her talkie. Turns out it was Natsuki calling. Sayori answered it.

"Natsuki! Do you copy?"

"The president is here! I repeat, the president is HERE!" Natsuki yelled.

"Alright! Thanks." Sayori hung up.

She stood up and looks for Monika in the crowd. A lot of people were chattering and laughing around. She turned left and right until... She spotted her brown hair and white bow. Sayori started to run up to her.

"Moni!" She called out her nick name. Monika turned to see her.

"Sayori?" Monika notices her from a distance. Sayori started to run over and give her a big hug. Making Monika's face a little flustered than before.

"Where have you been?! I couldn't find you anywhere.."

"Sorry!.. I was super busy and forgot that the School Festival was today.."

"It's fine. At least you're here!.." Sayori smiled.

"Yeah.." Monika beamed back at her.

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