Chapter 2. Can I?..

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TW: contains alcohol

Time Skipping..

Friday [2:03]

"Hey Monika!" Sayori waves at her.

"Oh, hey! See you at the party?" Monika smiles. Sayori nodded. Then they went back to the classes they're heading.

Sayori low-keyed squealed in excitement and went into her class.


At the lockers...

"Hey, Monika?.." Sayori asked her.
"Hm? What is it?" Monika gave a curious look, Sayori paused and stared between her emerald eyes. "Um.. I just wanna say.. Thank you for accepting the invite.."
"Oh! No problem, at least I'm not as busy as usual so.."
"Ah.. I see, well, cya later.." Sayori left.
"Y-Yeah!... S-see you-..." Monika stuttered again. She became quiet. She took a step, then kept on walking home.


Sayori's house was big, but it's mostly not a mansion. It's like your friendly neighbor's home but a little bigger than theirs.
Monika was wearing a white shirt with green sweat shorts, and a black zip up jacket. Her hair was still tied but she didn't bring her white bow with her. Natsuki wore her favorite Parfait Girls T-Shirt she bought from Christmas and pink flannel shorts. She was also holding a batch of cupcakes for the party. Yuri wore a navy blue tee with grey sweatpants. She was holding tea, but also something secretly behind her back.
"..What's taking her so long?.." Natsuki asked impatiently.
"Come on, It's 7:59. At least we can just wait for one minute." Yuri said. Then they heard the doorknob open. Sayori was here.

She was wearing a black cat t-shirt with blue shorts, and her favorite red bow clip of course. And the room was blasting music too in the background.
"Hey guys! Come on in!" She excitedly told everyone. They all went to the living room and sat down.
"I bought the cupcakes as you promised!" Natsuki chuckled as she showed the cupcakes.
"Oooo.. They all look delicious! And what about you Yuri?" Sayori was curious.
"Well I bought some tea and uh.." Yuri started to flush.
"..Something else..."
"Is it alcohol?" Natsuki questioned.
"Natsuki!!!" Sayori turned to her.
"Actually.. Yes." Yuri answered without hesitation.
The room became silent as Natsuki, Sayori, and Monika stared at her in shock.
"WHAT?!" The three yelled. Then Natsuki started laughing because she didn't know she was into that stuff too.
"Would you like some wine? It's a little strong but don't worry." Then Yuri started to show the drink to everyone. It's red wine.
"This wine may be really dry, but it's got a very good flavor to it."
Natsuki was still laughing as Yuri joined in.
"Y-Yuri?!.." Sayori was confused.
"We should move on to the party." Monika suggested.
Sayori sighs. "Okay then, shall we get started?"
"Heck yeah!" Natsuki shouts as she is holding a wine glass from Yuri.

Sleepover Party Montage!

They played UNO for 40 minutes, Natsuki was rage quitting as everyone laughed. Then they did each other's makeup for 20 minutes, hung out and ate snacks for 10 minutes, and yes Sayori ate almost all of the snacks as always. And karaoke night for 30 minutes. Sayori thought Monika's voice was amazing, as Natsuki really drank a lot of Yuri's wine.

"Ughhhh..." Natsuki's stomach wasn't feeling good.
"Is she gonna be okay?" Monika asked.
"She'll be fine, she must've drank a lot so.." Yuri was patting Natsuki's shoulder.
"C'mon guys!.. hic I'm al—" Natsuki said in a drunken voice.
Yuri realized that Natsuki was about to get sick.
"I.. I HAVE TO GO-" Natsuki covers her mouth and instantly rushes to the bathroom.
"You guys stay here! I'll get Natsuki!" Yuri runs to the bathroom too.
"Wow, no wonder why Natsuki loves her wine. Hah." Sayori giggled.
"Yeah." Monika chuckled as she ate one of Natsuki's cupcakes.
"..I wonder what's in that red wine?" She would grab a glass and pour the wine on the glass.
"Yuri said it's really good so why not?.." Sayori took a sip. She was quite impressed that her friend was right.
"Woah.." Sayori said with her eyes wide open.
"How did it taste?" Monika raised her brow.
"Kinda funky.. But it's actually pretty good!" She turned to her. And hands her the glass she drank. Monika was flustered, she was blushing because thinks it's an indirect kiss.

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