Chapter 4 - Independence Day

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Phoenix took the next few days to just fall into a routine. They had scribbled a list of things they needed to do in the morning, some in the evening before bed, and a few things they just needed to keep in mind throughout the day. They taped the piece of paper beside their mirror on the back of the door, ensuring they would see it every single day.

Every morning, they'd awake with little rest gained from the night before, they would brush their newly cut hair, eat, get dressed, brush their teeth, and then would be free to do whatever they wanted. That usually included a ride on their board down to the town park and sitting in the shade writing in a journal they had kept with them always. They wrote any and everything they thought: song lyrics, sketches, story plots, characters that they made up on the spot, ideas for art projects, plans for the summer, plans for school, what they wanted to wear on the first day, and other random ideas that popped into their head. On the first page was a growing list of things they wanted to save up to buy, the first one being a walkman and some tapes for it. Music had always been an integral part of Phoenix's life, often using it as an escape from the fighting amongst their parents.

After spending the better part of the day at the park, they would skate back to the video store to talk to Steve and Robin while they worked. It was really just getting to know Robin and being appalled that Steve really wasn't as much of a dickhead as when they left. It was honestly impressive. Robin and Phoenix had a very similar taste in movies, often gushing about them and making plans to take a Saturday night and just have a movie marathon with all their favorites and some new ones the two had been dying to see.

When their shift ended, or Phoenix got tired of socializing, they would take a bit to just skate around and feel the wind in their hair. It reminded them of their childhood but also filled them with a sense of freedom. They had that feeling when they were decorating their room, the feeling they got getting onto the bus to Indiana in the first place. Those were the moments they truly felt free, truly felt human even. Eventually they would make it home, typically close to sunset, which is when they would start their evening routine. Eat dinner with Auntie and Beaver, brush teeth again, just in case they forgot that morning, shower on the appointed days, write in a journal they stole from Dustin about the day they had. By this time they were usually already in their pajamas and would spend the last thirty minutes between 9 and 9:30 to watch an episode of whatever Auntie was watching to finish off the evening. Once Claudia was in bed, they would tell Dustin goodnight, if he was there, and then retire to their room. They would spend the next hour or so writing, drawing, designing, or just sitting at their desk re-organizing until they got tired. Around 11, they would finally crawl into bed and fall into another, most likely, dreamless sleep and not get any real rest.

 Today was different, it was a few weeks after Phoenix had moved back, and it happened to be Fourth of July. Auntie had volunteered at the fair they were having at the empty plot later on, having to go early to help set up and such. Phoenix left their room, same as any day, to get breakfast. They started to make themself toast, hearing the voices of three boys amp up from the young Dustin's room. They grabbed the toast and started to chew on the corner as they made their way to the voices. They let the door swing open silently, only garnering the attention of the teenagers when the door with the wall. Sitting on the floor were the three boys, Dustin quickly shoving a big brown box under his bed, gaining your attention. 

"What's got you all so excited this early?" Phoenix continued to munch down the toast, barely awake enough to care that they were only in a hoodie and boxers. "The fair tonight, are you going?"

"What fair?" Their face twisted in a confused look. "The fourth of July fair, we have it every year. We're doing fireworks afterwards in a clearing not too far from it."

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