Chapter 7 - Rainy Confessions

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The sun was half set when the three arrived to the party. They parked down the road, the driveway being completely crowded. Robin and Nancy talked as they walked, Phoenix trailing just behind them. They had already started to regret their decision, tempted to start begging Nancy to take them home, but Robin noticed them. She interlocked their arm with hers and tugged them inside, speaking encouraging words to them. Those words fell onto their ears but barely made a difference as the smell of alcohol, cigarettes, and sweat filled their nose. It was a familiar scent, Eddie always smelled of nicotine and weed, but there was something comforting about the way he smelled. 

Robin pulled them to the drinks and shoved a full cup into their hand. "Drink, forget your troubles. It won't kill you."

"But it might feel like you want it to in the morning." Nancy giggled, getting her own cup. Phoenix looked at the reflective red liquid in the red cup and sighed. There was no going back now, they took a sip and immediately gagged, much to the delight of their two companions. 

"Try taking big drinks, it'll help." Nancy yelled over the music at them. They closed their eyes and chugged half the drink in one go, earning a cheer from the few people around them. They didn't care much for the noise or the taste of the drink, but they were already starting to feel the after effects.

"Don't drink too much though, kay?" Robin rubbed their upper arm before being pulled away by one of her other friends. They glanced over to where Nancy was, finding her gone all of a sudden. "Shit." They mumbled and stuck their hand into their pocket, finding the slip of paper with his writing on it. 

They downed the rest of the drink, filling it right back up, before an idea popped into their head. If the alcohol really was 'liquid courage' like the movies called it, they could use that to their advantage. Courage was ultimately what they needed in the very situation that brought them here. They decided that they would down their current drink and wait a few minutes, if they could make the call, they would. If they couldn't bring themself to do it, they would get another drink. Rinse and repeat. Finding this to be the easiest way to go about it, they downed the entire thing at once, carrying the empty cup with them as they waited for the buzz. 

When nothing really changed, they went back for a third, slamming it down and repeating their short waiting game. After a few minutes, the effects hit them like a bus. Their vision blurred and they suddenly couldn't remember anything well. They had a few more drinks, feeling the reality of their situation wash further and further away with every cup. Eventually, they stumbled their way onto the dance floor area. They found Robin dancing with some girls, she looked like she was having fun. Phoenix decided not to bother her and walked out into the backyard, the music following them onto the yard. They saw Nancy talking with a couple people, finding their way over to them without falling into the pool. 

"Heyyyy Nancyyyyy!!!" They slurred, throwing their arm over her shoulder. "Phoenix, are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine! I wass just wondering- hiccup- if you knew where the phone wass."

"Why? Do you want to go home?"

"Why would I want to go home?! I'm having a blast!!!!" They giggled. "No, I'm gonna call Eddie and tell him about the thing, ya know?" 

"Why do you wanna do that right now?"

"Because I'm not scared to anymore. And I brought his number with me." They pulled the paper out of their pocket and nearly dropped it, saved by Nancy who sighed. 

"Come on. Where's Robin?"

"Dancing with some girls. Don't bother her, she's having so much fun!" Nancy rolled her eyes at them and pulled them back inside, finding Robin. She grabbed her arm and pulled them both upstairs, much to Phoenix's chagrin. "I told you not to bother her!"

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