Chapter 19 - Monstrous Defeat

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Violence and smut warning for this chapter*************

El went on to elaborate after Joyce shooed everyone off to give her a moment to breathe. 001 had come to her in a dream and told her to meet him with all of their forces. That was enough to wake everyone from their sleepy state, quickly changing into their makeshift armor as fast as they could. Those who finished first were collecting their weapons and ammo and other supplies they would need. 

Will got another chill up his spine. "We need to hurry, something bad is happening." He couldn't tell what and they didn't have time for El to go into the mindscape and look. They all finished getting prepared, looking to each other and checking off the list.

"Wait, where's Phoenix?" They all looked around as their door creaked open and heavy footsteps echoed off the wooden walls. The emerged from the shadows wearing a grey long sleeved shirt with metal plate armor covering their torso, thighs, shoulders, and neck. They had their brown boots and black jeans on with a leather belt hanging off their hips loosely. "Where is it?"

Dustin handed them the sword they had ended picking up during their weapon scrounging at one point. They slid it into the belt with a nod to the rest. "Are we not going to address the get-up?" Steve looked them up and down pointedly.

"It was going to be for Halloween.." They mumbled, suddenly finding themself blushing at the many eyes watching them. Robin smirked, "I think you look hot." Phoenix smirked back, rolling their eyes and walking out ahead of everyone. The group split up amongst the two vehicles they had, Steve's car and Hopper's truck. Most of the older teens went in Steve's car, the younger teens cramming into the bed of the old blue truck. They all hunkered down as Hopper drove them towards their destination. 

The drive was silent, no one knew what to say. Encouraging words died in Joyce's throat as they exited the vehicles, stood at the end of the trailer park. Phoenix looked to the hill off in the distance, remembering the dream they had that night in Eddie's trailer. They would avenge him, and they knew exactly how to do it. Before they could do anything, a hoard of different monsters appeared from the elongated gate across the trailer park. They all turned back to them, drawing their weapons of choice. They had worked it out so that El would save as much of her power for the final showdown with Vecna, the others keeping her safe. Nancy, Hopper, and Murray were all armed with guns and enough ammo to take out all of New York. They would be mostly backup and support from a distance. 

The rest were armed with short range weapons: spears, knives, bats, axes, and the like. They would do their best to take care of the creatures while the other three protected El. They followed the plan, taking out the first round of monsters that came through the gate. "He wants us to go through." Will looked back to the others. 

"He's a glorified coward, of course he wants us to fight in his domain, we can't." Steve threw his hands up as if in obviousity. "But we have to end it. He won't wait forever and he won't come over here. Not when he has the advantage." Hopper mumbled. "So we wait in an endless game of chicken or we take the fight to him, no matter what the odds, and we finish what he started." Nancy stared at the others, making it obvious which choice she favored.

"El, you'll be the one who has to do this. It's your choice." Joyce turned back to the girl, seeing the determination in her eyes. "We end this." She mumbled, walking past the rest towards the gate. No one bothered to argue, following her to the original gate in Eddie's trailer. They all climbed over and regrouped. They knew what would be waiting for them out there, they knew the chances of coming away from this alive were slim, but they had to finish this, once and for all. They all filed outside, looking around to the empty ground, void of anything but vines. 

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