Chapter 14 - Split up, Gang

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The four runners had been gathered in the Wheeler's living room, accompanied by their respective guardians and four police officers. All except for Max's mom, who was busy with her work and couldn't be reached. The chief had hoped that the pressure of their guardians being there would be enough to convince them to tell the truth. The three younger kids sat hip to hip on the small loveseat across from the crowd, Phoenix stood on the wall behind it, staring at the carpet beneath their feet.

They had done this dance many a time and knew what to do. Shut up, don't talk unless to say you want a parent or lawyer, and if you're in a group, get your story straight. Sadly, Phoenix did not have time to coach the three on these rules, so they hoped to lead by example, silent and staring. This, evidently, didn't work. Phoenix couldn't help but worry though, the longer they were here, the longer they were away from Eddie. They knew it was better, knowing the most competent police officers would be spending the next few hours dealing with them. It gave him a chance to get out of that lake and hide again. 

"And what exactly were you all doing at the lake?" The chief sat across from the kids in a kitchen chair. His stance was firm but relaxed. He was leaned forward with his arms propped across his knees. Phoenix assumed this was his poor attempt at relaxing the kids, understanding that this was the last thing that would help. "We were..we were just going for a walk." Max cut Dustin off before he could say anything too stupid. 'Atta girl', Phoenix thought. 

"If you don't have time to get your story together, let the most confident lie for you. You just agree, try not to mix up the details or tell them too many specifics. It will only come back to hurt you." Phoenix could hear their mother's words ringing through their head. It was one of the few helpful things she actually taught them, before she ditched. 

 "A walk? At 9pm?" The taller officer asked. "To the lake." Dustin added, his voice as squeaky as a prepubescent mouse. They knew he didn't lie well under pressure, seeing as it was most often Phoenix coming in to save his ass. They had grown quite used to lying over the years. "We were gonna take a little swim. Little night swim." They glared holes in the back of Dustin's head, screaming that he'd shut up without saying a word. "Dusty, Nix, someone was just murdered there." Claudia cut in. "Yea, we- we didn't realize that until we got there."

 "That's why we didn't swim." Lucas cut in. "And Nancy, was she with you at this night swim?" Mrs. Wheeler spoke up. Getting conflicting answers from the teens. Phoenix could see the nervousness radiating off of the three, rolling their eyes and turning to stare off into the distance. They knew they would just have to wait it out, maybe buy more time for Eddie if they stayed long enough. They allowed their mind to wander, feeling they would go insane if they listened to these three bumbling idiots any longer.

"Okay, okay. I know I've asked you a million different questions, but one more?" Phoenix looked up to Eddie, both sitting on the couch in their pajamas, their voices the only thing echoing in the dark trailer. They had lost track of time hours ago, wanting to learn all they could about their best friend..again. 

"Ask as many as you want, Nix." Eddie smiled back down at them. 

"Okay. One place, anywhere in the whole entire universe," They swung their arms out animatedly as they spoke, "Money pose no issue, where would you go?" 

"Hmm.. I don't know, what about you?" 

"I asked you first, plus you'd just steal my answer because it's so cool." They snickered as Eddie pouted. 

"Fine, um, oh!" He sat up, an excited spark in his eyes. "Atlantis, the lost city." 

"Atlantis?" They lolled their head to the side.

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