Chapter 13 - Night Swim

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"Dustin, can you hear me? Wheeler?" Eddie called into the new walkie that he had stolen from a construction site. "Eddie. Holy Shit. Are you okay?" Dustin's voice rang out from the speaker. "Nah man, pretty.." He looked over at Phoenix who just stared at the rock formation in front of them, eyes unfocused. "Pretty goddamn far from okay." 

"Where are you?" Dustin's voice was hushed as he spoke. "Skull rock. Do you know it?" "Uh, yea. That's near Cornwallis and-" 

"Garrett, yea. I know where that is." Steve's voice echoed out against the rocks. "Hold tight, we're coming. We're coming." Eddie nodded, leaning back against a rock. 

Eddie looked back over to Phoenix's still frame, their unmoving gaze causing him to worry. He stood from the rock he was sitting on, moving next to them, "Princess?" His voice stirred them from their unwavering state, big green eyes looking back into deep brown ones. He smiled down at them, a sadness standing behind it. "Hey, you alright?" His voice was soft and calm. He knew exactly how they felt in that moment, seeing that for the first time, it didn't get easier to see though. He slowly lowered himself onto the ground beside them, their eyes following his movements as they dilated.  He noticed their eyes refocusing on his face, bringing their mind back to the present.

"I-I'm fine," They mumbled, sounding unconvinced of their own words. Eddie picked up on it, opting to pull them into his lap rather than try to coax them into talking. They appreciated the act of affection, snuggling into him as much as they could. They were both cold and soaked to the bone from their earlier dip in the lake. They nuzzled into his neck, arms tightly attached to their ribs. They were both shaking, indiscernible if the cause was the cold they both felt or the actions they witnessed hours ago. Phoenix felt Eddie's hand slither over their arm, wrapping his fingers around their hand. They loosened their grip on their own shirt, intertwining their hand as best they could. The two sat like that, curled together, listening to the sounds of nature going on as normal around them. 

"Ya know, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I thought of bringing you here." Eddie chuckled, looking up at the boulder above them. Phoenix lifted their head from its resting spot, looking up to meet his gaze. "You thought about bringing me here before?" 

"I thought about you a lot, Nix." He smiled fondly down at them, a slow heat finding its way to both of their cold cheeks. "I had envisioned something a little more romantic than an escape in the middle of the night. Something like a picnic under here with candles and music and all that sappy shit." He chuckled, eyes darting around the ground as he visualized it in his mind. "And when it got dark, we'd climb on top of the rock and stargaze until you got tired. We'd spend the night in the van and get breakfast at the diner in the morning."

"You had it all planned out." The idea pulled a giggle from Phoenix. All their fears and doubts and guilt felt silly now, he'd gone through and planned at least one date for the two before even asking them out. He really didn't seem the type to go all out for others in most capacity, not like this at least. "You're amazing." They breathed out, catching Eddie off guard slightly, evidenced by the bright red tint to his face. He moved to look away, shyness being a rare trait in the ever-confident Eddie Munson. Phoenix didn't let him though, pulling his chin gently so he was looking them dead in the eye. "We will get to do that and so much more." Eddie whispered.

"Promise?" Phoenix's lips spread into a wide grin. "I promise." He nodded, Phoenix leaning up and connecting their lips for a moment. "Good." Eddie could feel their warm breath against his lips as he leaned in for another kiss, quickly turning into a flurry of kisses planted all around the other beings face. Phoenix laughed and tried to pull their hands in front of their face to shield them from the attack. "Eds! Eddie!" They shrieked with laughter. "Hey, I'm frozen, come on." They stood from his grasp, hands interlocked still. "Where are we going?"

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