Chapter 21 - The Unofficial End

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With the world saved and friends reunited, Hawkins lay dormant like the good old days. Before Vecna, before the Russians, before the Mind Flayer. The peaceful town they once knew had started to return.

With the gates being closed for good, the town began to rebuild while the group worked to find proof of Eddie's innocence. They eventually scrounged up just enough and, with a little pulling of the strings on Hopper's end, he was declared innocent. Though not everyone was convinced, no matter what they witnessed. Some people we just so closed minded it hurt.

Max eventually woke up too, having retained amnesia from her time under. It took a while for her to remember anything, plus with the new challenge of her being blind, but she took it with the grace she always did, cursing and grumbling with a hint of sarcasm, though the others wouldn't have it any other way. Lucas rarely left her side, and when he wasn't there, El was. Those two stayed attached to her as much as possible and, though she'd never admit it, she appreciated it. 

Joyce and Hopper officially got married a couple years down the line. It was a simple backyard type ordeal, Joyce not wanting to make a big fuss of it, but everyone came. The girls helped her get ready that morning and were doting on her all day, Hopper getting his fair share of odd glances from the Byer's boys. El was ecstatic all day long, going on about how amazing it was, once someone explained what marriage was to her. She even asked Mike if they'd get married one day, his face wouldn't tone down from the bright red all day. Will had even found a nice boy to bring as his plus one, bashfully claiming that they were just getting to know each other when anyone asked.

With the celebrations lasting just beyond the darkness's edge, Phoenix and Eddie took a walk further into the treeline, away from the ruckus of the children and their exasperated babysitter, though the rest joked Steve was basically their mother now. The two enjoyed the quiet as they continued their conversation, the music dying off in the background. "Hey, uh, you doing anything after this?"

"Not that I'm aware of. Why? You trynna get me alone, Munson?" Phoenix wiggled their eyebrow at him, the poor boy flustering easier than usual. "I was just thinking of going down to Lover's Lake, after this is done, obviously."

Phoenix noticed his shy demeanor and rested their hand on his, him glancing up to meet their smiling gaze. "We can go to the lake tonight. Why are you so nervous? We've been to the lake together hundreds of times. A lot of.. good memories made there." They winked at him, the frazzled boy glancing at the ground beneath his feet.

"It's nothing, just probably had a bit too much to drink is all. Do you mind if we walk there, though?"

"What? You don't want to give me a panic attack with your driving again?" They smirked resting their arms on his shoulder. "We can, just remind me to get my shoes from the van before we go." He nodded and slipped his arms around their waist, the two standing in the comfortable silence before a loud yelling interrupted them.

"It's Dustin, warn me now if you're not dressed!!!" So he had learned, the two laughed rambunctiously at the memory of Dustin walking in on them once a few months back. "You're fun, Dusty. What's up." Phoenix smiled over as the boy appeared from the shadows, hand falling away from his eyes. "Good. We're about to do send off, so you are required." He gestured back to the glowing lights dancing through the trees.

"Okay, we're coming." And with Eddie's confirmation, Dustin left them in the darkness once more. They shared one more laugh before sharing a sweet kiss, Phoenix grabbing his hand and pulling him back towards the party. Everyone had lined up with sparklers and Argyle was going down the line, lighting them. The two quickly picked up a sparkler each and got into their positions in line, opposite each other. Argyle finished and took his place next to Nancy, the happy couple walking from the venue entrance through the line of people, laughing and smiling as Jonathan walked ahead of them, taking as many pictures as he could. 

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