🎃Chapter 13👻

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Vanessa's POV

Today is Halloween and yeah yeah I know what your thinking is this girl crazy after the week she's had the whole kidnapping ordeal well you know what I needed a break from all of it the nightmares. the trial and the sentencing so sue me for being spooky.

"HEY get your head out of the clouds and come help us carve the pumpkins". "So Doll what are we working with here are we going spooky enough to scar the kids in the neighbourhood for life". I stared at Hunter shaking my head in disbelief

"Baby, I love you but what the fuck is wrong with you". HA that's right tell him bestie

"What! Oh, come on you know the little shits deserve a good scare this year seriously if I have to be kicked in the shin by one more toddler I'm drop-kicking them all".

"You have some serious issues man".

"Oh shut your pie hole, Quinn, we've all seen your search history man". Ooo Burn.

"True but that's besides the point the guts have been removed the candy has been assembled now all we have to do is wait for the little Angels to arrive". And with that, I stepped away from the 2 stooges pulling my stooge down with me to sit on his lap.

"Hey, darling did I get a chance to tell you how sexy you look tonight seriously". "No you did not but thank you what are you supposed to be a sexy Pirate". he was dressed in all-black leather with the pants sticking to all the right spots and a surprisingly convincing hook hand good lord I can't believe he's my man.

"Vanessa stop staring at my brother's ass".

"Oh shut up Quinn just cos you ain't getting laid doesn't mean we all have to remain celibate".

"Oh, she got you there brother". 

"Well maybe if there were any half-decent men in this town I would go on a date with one but there aren't".

"Wait what happened to that guy you were seeing Jacob josh no no James".

"His name was Jack and we didn't work out remember he was a total jerk who only manipulated me and when I had enough I dumped his ass".

"Damm right I remember watching that happen too it was funny as hell watching his ears go all red as screamed at you then he got even madder when I picked him up from behind and threw him in a dumpster".

"And on that note jackasses, I'm heading out to buy some candy for the kids in the neighbourhood your stash is pathetic Hunter".

"Want me to tag along baby".

"Nah I'll be fine my love you stay here and babysit the kiddies".

Candy in hand I was just about to walk up to the cashier to pay for the stuff when I heard this nasally grating voice behind me. 
"Hey, sexy what you doing out here all by yourself especially dressed like that not gotta boyfriend to escort you".

"Listen I'm gonna say this and don't make me repeat myself I'm not in the mood right now so back off".

"Ooo babygirl's fiesty tonight come on give me your number".

"Oh you've picked the wrong girl to mess with today look I said I'm not interested go find someone else to bother".

"Well, what do you expect being in here wearing a costume like that your asking for it dressing like a whore".

"I'd rather be a whore than a shrimp dicked asshole who thinks he gets a say on how a woman should dress".

"HEY leave the woman alone Jerry what've I told you about bothering customers".

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