Chapter 1

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Vanessa's POV.

"Vanessa! Come on we're going to be late."

Kahlani, my annoying best friend shouted at me from the other room. You see Kahlani had invited me to her boyfriend's birthday party at the clubhouse. Her boyfriend is the president of the Dragons Roar Motorcycle Club and for some reason, I was dragged along.
We finally arrived and the stench of alcohol and cologne lingered through the air.


Hunter shouted to Kahlani from across the room.


Kahlani shouted right back.

"Hey, Hunter, happy birthday by the way. I'm sorry I couldn't get you anything but that's because SOMEONE decided to tell me last minute."

I threw a mock angry glare over at Kahlani.

"Sorry baby I was just SO preoccupied with planning your party that I forgot to tell her."

An unfathomable amount of tequila shots later Kahlani is currently passed out on the floor.

Closing time eventually comes and Kahlani and Vanessa are both over each of Hunter's shoulders being carried to his car to drive them all home.

Hunter goes round the passenger side to put Kahlani in the front seat and Vanessa in the back. They are currently both unconscious due to the amount of tequila they had (yikes). Hunter pulled up onto the driveway, picked up the girls from the car and took them quietly into the house, without dropping them or his keys (a man of many talents).

Getting up those stairs was a mission and a half but finally he had made it to the top of the house and headed over to his room to put Kahlani into his bed and Vanessa in the spare room.  Stretching his arms and yawning his way back to the room, he fell into bed and wrapped his arms around Kahlani drifting his way off to sleep.

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