Chapter 18

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Vanessa's POV.

"So Vanessa this is your last session tell me how are you feeling about everything about your babies arriving in just a few weeks that must bring on some disorganised feelings".

"To be honest with you yeah I am feeling a little nervous but mostly excited and happy I can't believe me and Isaiah are gonna have our own little family but at the same time what if we can't protect that family or even care properly for that family I mean you know as well as I do being fully committed to a man in the biker world isn't the easiest thing to deal with sometimes".

"yes I'm well aware as you know of the struggles that come with starting a family with that type of person but me and my wife who as you know is a treasurer for the club in the next town over have been together for ten years married for three that's thirteen years of fights years makeups multiple kidnapping attempts kids it wasn't easy but love isn't you have to work together with it not against it your afraid of not being able to protect your family but you are forgetting your not alone in protecting your little one's you have your parents you have your friends you have the club and most importantly you have a wonderful life partner".

"You are completely right thank you for all you've done for me these past couple of weeks I've felt so much lighter since starting these sessions I still have a long way to go of course I still get nightmares about that day I guess I'm just nervous about being mom well actually I'm terrified but I have a whole community of people behind me to support me and Isaiah we'll struggle of course as you said but everything will be just fine".

"Well Vanessa I'm proud to say you have officially completed your mandated therapy and officially earned the right to call me by my name I'm Anna it's been a pleasure I wish you and Isaiah all the best in the future".

"No thank you, Anna, you've been a great help to me and my growing family you're welcome to come by the clubhouse any time feel free to pop in for a visit with your wife when the babies have arrived we'd love to have you both over".

"That sounds like a wonderful idea I'll speak to my wife about it and let her know if you want to leave your number on the desk over there".


"So Dad I thought we could go grab some breakfast first then see where the day takes us". "That sounds wonderful honey what do you plan on getting I'll have whatever your having".

"Well okay, then I'm craving waffles eggs and bacon smothered in syrup and butter with strawberries".

"Ah your just like your mother she couldn't go a day without us driving to the nearest diner and ordering that I meant to how are you feeling physically you still having morning sickness".

"Okay let's cut the pretense I suggested this because I want to ask Isaiah to marry me then get married if he says yes when the babies are born".

"OH well honey that sounds like a great idea I do admit I gave Isaiah a talking to about you because you may have grown into a strong independent young woman but I will always kick someone's ass if they try to hurt you".

"God yeah I still remember back in high school the time you broke Tommy Thorne's nose because he cheated on me".

"Sweetheart listen that punk deserved it".

"Oh I'm well aware I'm not mad you did it I remember you took me out for ice cream when you came back home after going over to his house because mom followed you to make sure you didn't kill him".

"Well I wasn't aware of that huh all these years later and I find out now anyways that's in the past now let's talk ideas where are you gonna propose and how are you gonna propose when I asked your mother to marry me I took her to a state fair we spent hours there we rode the bumper cars we scared each other in the haunted house threw up our hotdogs too a terrible idea to eat before going in there and we ended the night with cotton candy on the Ferris wheel".

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