Chapter 19

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Vanessa's POV.

"Okay Kahlani I need you to go help Hunter put up the decorations Quinn and Isaiah I need you to put everything out the food the drinks make sure it's seen when the guests arrive I'm gonna go put the party games out".

"You got it boss".

"Don't you worry bestie we're on it".

I look around the room as everything starts to come together.

"Hey Babe come over here I need you to taste this cake batter".

"Is that chocolate batter Isaiah you know I have a weakness for chocolate you better hide this from me when it's baked".

"Sure hon I'll keep it from wandering hands such as yours and I made it cos it's your favourite and this day is about celebrating you and the babies".

"Aw well thank you hon I appreciate you doing this for me we're gonna be parents in less then 5 weeks and we'll have two little humans relying on us for the next years to come that's crazy to think about well I better go get ready mom and dad called to say they should be here in a couple of hours because traffic's a bitch".


The room was fully decorated with beige colored balloons filled with pink and blue confetti waiting for us to pop them put up by Kahlani a snack table adorning different homemade pizzas made by Hunter and a two tiered chocolate cake filled with a vanilla frosting made jointly by Isaiah and Quinn.

"Welcome everyone to our gender reveal party now of course me and Isaiah already know the gender buttt we wanted to watch your reactions as you wonderful people find out the genders for yourself".

"Wait what do you mean genders honey are you having twins oh Charles honey I knew it didn't I say I predicted it on the way over here in the car".

"Yeah we found out at the twelve week scan we're having two healthy little or in Isaiah's case big babies".

"Well shit I think I'm gonna collapse Kahlani catch me".

"Oh no you don't go sit down I need to find out if I'm gonna be godmother to  two nephews or two nieces".

"And it's official we're having a boy and a girl".



"Kahlani you owe me a twenty I said Vanessa was having a boy and a girl". "I don't owe you shit James it was me that said she was having a boy and a girl".

"Oh Charles our baby is having a little boy and a little girl two grandchildren to spoil rotten I'm so happy". 

"GUYS please one at a time also really you placed bets on the genders that's it no cake for you it's all mine and the babies".


"Really babe I didn't even participate in the bet".

"Oh come on sweetheart let the children have their cake it's all innocent fun plus I need to see if Isaiah's cake is up to my baking standards".

"Fine fine but if I find out any more schemes have been made behind my back I'm kicking everyone out now let's go cut into the delicious cake that I have to thank Quinn and Isaiah for making".

"Yes Ma'am". And with that I reached over to grab a knife taking a sizeable chunk out of the cake.

"Here ya go mom you can have the first slice so tell us what you think".

"Shit honey sorry pardon my french but this is a damm good slice of chocolate cake it might even be better then mine".

"Thank you Nina that means a lot to hear from the Cake Master".

"Oh stop it you flatter me now Vanessa I'll cut you the second slice". 

"God Isaiah this really is delicious". 

"Okay come on come on enough cake eating let's go play some party games".

"Okay the first game is called hospital or home and how you play is i will say something like for example being fed ice chips at the hospital while having contractions or enjoying a warm bath while having contractions and you have to guess which I would prefer".


After playing a few rounds of party games and eating a copious amount of pizza the night was starting to wind down with all of us sitting down nursing cups of coffee. "Well I am officially ready to go wipe out on the bed upstairs".

"Well why don't you me Kahlani and Quinn will go clean up".

"Yeah and I'll go run you a bath you deserve it after being on your feet all day".

"Aw thanks guys I know your just trying to get rid of me but I will take that opportunity and run with it".

"Well honey we'll let you relax we better head home before it gets too dark and forecast says it's gonna rain so we better hurry dear". I move to give my parents a hug watching as they go out the door closing it behind them with them gone I then head upstairs to lay out some comfy clothes for a night of relaxing comfortably with Isaiah.

"ISAIAH GET IN HERE NOW I think the babies are kicking again".

"WHAT REALLY". I feel the babies respond to my voice with a kick to my ribs making me wince softly.

"Yes really now get over here and talk to them so they stop kicking their poor mother in the ribs".

"Heyy unborn babies of mine stop giving your mama hell or I'll have to come in there and pull you two apart". I chuckle to myself as their kicks lessen when they hear his voice.

"Well well now i know who's gonna be doing the night feeds and the diaper changes".

"Oh will I now". He leans over me with a playful smirk.

"Yes you will because I'll be asleep in my nice warm bed getting my much needed beauty sleep".

"Oh okay I see how it is".

"I'm not sorry honey I've been lugging these little rugrats around for 9 months my due date's next week and I'm looking forward to getting some much needed rest during the night". I laugh softly as he mock glares at me while pouting.

"Honey don't pout now I'm going up to bed you can either stay down here alone or you can come join me in the shower". I watched with a smirk as he tripped over his own feet to go up the stairs

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