chapter 5

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Vanessa's POV.

I got up and went into my bathroom to brush my teeth once I was done in the bathroom I walked into the bedroom to pick out an outfit for the day. My eyes drifted towards a pair of blue ripped jeans and a white crop sleeved crop top.

After getting dressed I walked downstairs to get some breakfast. I grabbed myself a bowl of cereal then sat down in front of the tv to watch some Looney tunes reruns (Loony tunes is fucking amazing by the way).

When I had finished my breakfast I quickly loaded up the dishwasher then headed upstairs to get ready to head out to work I applied light makeup such as lip balm a touch of eyebrow gel to keep my brows in place and some powder to keep me from sweating throughout my work shift.

then I braided my hair into two simple low pigtails and sprayed some hair spray to keep it in place while I slipped on a pair of brown Ugg boots with my other hand after finishing up my hair I grabbed my bag and headed out.

As I walked through the diner doors I was hit by a familier comforting smell of vanilla "Hey, May what's it looking like today is there a lot of customers to be expected today".

"Nope only about 20 people joe said that we only have to do a half day lucky us" I sighed with relief internally

"Oh my lord your a godsend of a coworker May your like an the human embodiment of a sunflower".

"Oh hush you oh by the way I heard from a little birdie that you went on a date last night with one of the customers".

"Really who told you oh god let me guess Kahlani i swear I don't know how the woman does it she's everywhere all at once but yeah his name's Isaiah he asked me for my number i slipped it to him on a napkin then later that note he called me up to ask me out on a date it went really well he surprised me with a picnic date in the woods and it looked beautiful the conversation just flowed between us and at the end of the night he kissed me it was the best kiss I've ever had in my entire life May i don't when I'm seeing him next but I'm looking forward to it".

"Ooo lucky you well It sounds like it went really well I'm really happy for you and who knows he might end up calling you today to ask you out on another date".

"Maybe hopefully he does I had a good time with him I just hope he did too". I smiled lightly at May before walking to the staff room to put my apron I then headed out into the front of the diner to take on the morning rush of customers.

As I was on my break sitting down in one of the booths eating my lunch I felt rough hands cover my eyes i held my breath not knowing who it was then I heard a deep voice whisper. "Hey, beautiful". My eyes widened and I quickly turned around to see a smiling Isaiah in front of me.

"Isaiah Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me ohh wait a minute I see why your here now you've come to check up on me make sure some other guy ain't chasing after me" I smirked up at him. He then sent a playful glare towards me.

"No, actually I decided I was gonna come and surprise you Kahlani told me when you were gonna be on break so I decided to stop by with a chance to see my favourite girl".Well damm I can't argue with logic like that god it's been one date and I'm already falling for this man snap out of it Vanessa be patient.

"Well alright I can sit and talk for a minute but that's all your getting mister". I playfully stuck my tongue out at him as I slid into the booth.

"So first of all we should talk about that kiss that happened last night not that I didn't enjoy it It was a good kiss a great kiss even I just wanted to make sure you didn't regret it". Isaiah looked nervously at me.

"Isaiah I don't regret anything that happened last night was amazing I couldn't stop thinking about it in fact I'm already thinking about our next date now in the rule book dating it says and I quote the lady must plan the second date" I sent him a playful smile and grabbed onto his hand as I spoke.

"Oh does it now well Nessa what kinda crazy date are you getting me involved in". He looked fondly at me.

"Hmm Mr James that's for me to know and you to wonder aimlessly about like a headless chicken oh and would you look at that my breaks over". I smirked at him with a mischievous smile and got up from my seat to go serve the other customers.

(Some time later)

Then it was finally time to head on home so i got my tips out of my front apron pocket and went into the back room to put it in the tip jar as i did that i saw a slice of pumpkin bread wrapped up on the side May must have left it for me i picked it up carefully and left the diner saying bye to Joe as he left while I stayed behind to lock up.

As soon as i walked into my bedroom i changed into some comfy pyjamas and threw on a pair of fuzzy socks. After putting my socks on i went downstairs to make some dinner I decided to reheat that slice from earlier and have it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream while I waiting for the bread to be done I decided to put on some music.

PING the microwave exclaimed i put everything into a bowl and sat down to watch some episodes of my favourite Crime show (Question if you had to pick between Criminal Minds Or Hannibal what would you choose).

(Some Time Later )

I put my dishes into the sink and went upstairs to put my phone on charge the time read 9 pm so I decided to go relax in bed with a good book (here you can imagine her reading any book put down in the comments what you interpret her reading).

Once I had finished half of my book I book marked it and put it back on the shelf turning all the lights in the house off  as I did so. I then got into bed and set my all my alarms for tomorrow. I am so not looking forward to waking up with them blaring right next to my ear.

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