Chapter 7

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Vanessa's POV 5:00 am. 

Since it was coming into the middle of spring I felt the soothing chill of the spring air in my bones As I walked home with my whole body aching and my head feeling like it had been split like a walnut I realised despite this I was incredibly happy and slightly buzzed this was probably due to the fact I most likely still had alcohol in my system.

When I got through my front door I immediately rushed to the bathroom to one vomit profusely cos I was now experiencing the ugly but completely normal side of drinking THE HANGOVER and two take a steaming hot shower due to the fact that I was covered in 3 different kinds of vomit and I wasn't entirely sure which was mine.

When I got out of the shower I moved over to the sink and put my hair up so I wouldn't have to deal with it cos let's be honest I don't wanna spend any more time standing up than I have to i then threw on an oversized t-shirt and collapsed into bed.

(A few hours had passed).

My eyes slowly opened wincing as I moved a little too fast to get out of bed my body protesting the movement as soon as my bare feet touched the cold surface of the ground but no I had things to do and a date today.

I picked out something comfy to wear around the house then went downstairs to make my hangover cure a bowl of oatmeal with 2 scoops of Nutella and peanut butter with an unhealthy amount of chocolate chips and a giant cup of coffee.

I pulled my phone out to check the time when suddenly my phone starts ringing oh god it's my parents I'm too hungover to speak to them oh god and I haven't even told them I have a guy I'm seeing they know of him they just haven't met him it'll stay that way until I'm ready to tell them. "Vanessa what's this I hear about you dating a biker dad asked.

Well looks like that plan is out of the question now dammit I wonder how they found out. "Godammit Dad Kahlani told you didn't she anyways he's not my boyfriend we've only been on one date we're going on our second date tonight,". I said with exasperation clear in my voice.

"Oh okay, Bubs but if it gets serious I and your mother would like to meet him oh lord your mother is harassing me to pass the phone over love you remember the self-defence moves I taught you". I chuckled at the noises of slapping and whispered shouts reaching through the phone.

"Hiii Honey sorry your father was taking all of my precious time to speak to my baby honestly I told him she'll be fine we raised her well taking her to all those classes and sending her to school with a child size bat so she could hide it in her backpack".

I shook my head and smiled as my mother rambled shes kooky but that's just her. "Okay, what's up mom your being weird did dad order the wrong wine for dinner or something". the line suddenly went silent.

"Wellll you know your my favourite child my pride and joy I'm so proud of you".

"I'm your only child Spit it out mom what do you want". I interrupted her knowing something was up.

"Okay well your aunt Carol is getting married this weekend and I thought you'd like to come maybe bring a friend a male one this would also be a good opportunity to see how you settling into your new place".

"Ughh mom seriously I haven't seen aunt Margot since I was like 15 she hates me but fine fine I'd love to come when do you want me there". "well the weddings on Saturday but you should drive down here on Sunday I'll see you then bye honey". "Okay see you then bye mom love you".

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