Chapter 17

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Vanessa's POV.

Today is our 20 week scan to see how our twins are doing and find out the gender

"Well Mister and Mr Edwards your twins are looking healthy and strong would you like to know the gender".

"Yes please we didn't get any sleep last night because we were both so excited for today we can't wait to find out".

"Well congratulations I'm happy to say your having a boy and a girl".

"Oh reallyy im so happy I guess we're gonna have to buy double the stuff now huh babe".

"Oh god if they're anything like me and Quinn when we were growing up they'll chase eachother with stick swords until one surrenders to the troll king".

"Isaiah sometimes you really concern me but they'll be fine we'll just supervise their little stick battles if need be but that won't be for another ten years yet so sit down shut up and breathe into a brown paper bag".

"Okay Vanessa your all set to go the next time I'll see you I'll be right there with you in the delivery room and your two beautiful babies will be with you".

"Thank you for everything Dr Vargas we wouldn't have gotten through this without you".

As we were on our way back to the house I felt two strong kicks to one of my ribs

"Isaiah quick feel my stomach the babies are kicking".

"Jeez our girl has a strong kick". "How can you tell it's her doing it".

"Call it fatherly instinct".

"Oh hush you so what's on the agenda today".

"Well we have to run to the store to get baby supplies stock up on diapers get two crib and two strollers and your parents are arriving today so we have to go to the store to get some things for dinner".

"Isaiah so help me god if you don't stop juggling the onions we have an hour to prep the table and get ready before my parents arrive so please work with me here".

Finally after two hours of absolute chaos we had finally prepped the house for my parents arrival the door bell rang. "Mom Dad I'm so happy to see you both".

"We're happy to see you two dear how are you healing up are you still attending your therapy sessions how are the twins doing keeping their mama awake I assume".

"Oh I'm healing wonderfully and so the twins they are most certainly keeping me up though Isaiah has been very good at distracting them both from re breaking my ribs".

"Well if they're anything like you when you were a baby they'll be very energetic I remember like it like it was yesterday when it was bathtime you used to run all over the house with your underwear on your head".

"Moooom do you have to bring that up in front of Isaiah".

"Hey I don't mind it's more embarrassing things to tell our kids about you when they're all grown up". 

"Oh just you wait Isaiah James I'll tell them about the time you got your head stuck between a fence and had to be rescued by your grandma".


"Now now children calm down or your both going in time out".


"Yeah thought so".

"Vanessa Edwards do not make me repeat myself come in the kitchen and help me with the food Isaiah you go on my husband wants to talk to you".

"Yes Ma'am".

"Good now then on that note head me those onions then go prep the meat ready for cooking".

"Sooo how has Isaiah been dealing with becoming a father has he reached the manic building stage yet god I remember when your father prepared an entire nursery in less then a day when I was pregnant with you".

"Well funny you ask because we were just at the store buying stuff for the babies before you guys came over it's all in the the unused room upstairs soon to be the nursery Isaiah's planning on setting it all up tomorrow with the guys while I'm at my therapy session it's my last one tomorrow I'm both relieved for it to be over and a little nervous to be without the weekly routine of speaking to her because well I mean she's helped me through a lot over these past couple of weeks".

"Well it's only natural to feel uncertain about the future once your sessions are over but just know you can call me or your father anytime to talk about how your feeling speaking of your father why don't we extend our stay here until tomorrow and you two can go have a daddy daughter day maybe go grab some breakfast in the morning and see where the day takes you from there". 

"Oh that sounds like a great idea I'll go tell dad once he and Isaiah are done talking".

"You should also take the chance to spend some time mother in law son time with Isaiah to get to know a little more about him".

"Well that settles it then we'll go our separate ways once you come back from your therapy session oh and please for me dear try to convince your father to take me on another vacation because Julia from book club is making me want to tear my hair out".

"Anddd on that note dinner is served let's go eat before they decide to raid the kitchen".


"Mom I've gotta say you've outdone yourself this lasagna is delicious and the homemade garlic bread oh my god I need both of the recipes immediately".

"Don't you worry dear I'll slip you the recipes before we leave now Is anyone up for a dessert or are you all too full". 

"Oh I couldn't possibly eat another bite my love but why don't you head on up to bed and I'll go get you another glass of wine and clean up these dishes".

"Thank you darling goodnight everyone I'll see you all tomorrow bright and early".

"Night Mom".

"Night Mrs Edwards".

"Goodnight dear".

"Isaiah for the love of I keep telling you call me Nina".

"Right right sorry".

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